
# mmn <- function(formula,
#                 dataList,
#                 loss = c("mse", "mae", "softmax", "cross-entropy", "gaussian", "binomial", "poisson"),
#                 hidden = c(50L, 50L),
#                 activation = c("relu", "leaky_relu", "tanh", "elu", "rrelu", "prelu", "softplus",
#                                "celu", "selu", "gelu", "relu6", "sigmoid", "softsign", "hardtanh",
#                                "tanhshrink", "softshrink", "hardshrink", "log_sigmoid"),
#                 bias = TRUE,
#                 dropout = 0.0,
#                 custom_parameters = NULL) {
#   build_mmn <- torch::nn_module(
#     initialize = function(subModules, dnn) {
#       self$subModules <- torch::nn_module_list(subModules)
#       self$dnn <- dnn
#     },
#     forward = function(input) {
#       for(i in 1:length(self$subModules)) {
#         input[[i]] <- self$subModules[[i]](input[[i]])
#       }
#       input <- self$dnn(torch::torch_cat(input[1:length(self$subModules)], dim = 2L))
#       input
#     }
#   )
#   formula <- terms(formula)
#   if(formula[[1]] != "~") stop(paste0("Incorrect formula '", deparse(formula), "': ~ missing"))
#   if(length(formula) == 2) stop("Incorrect formula '", deparse(formula), "': response (left side of ~) missing")
#   Y <- eval(formula[[2]], envir = dataList)
#   X <- format_input_data(formula[[3]], dataList)
#   models <- get_models(formula[[3]], dataList)
#   if(!is.function(loss) & !inherits(loss,"family")) {
#     loss <- match.arg(loss)
#   }
#   loss_obj <- get_loss(loss)
#   if(!is.null(loss_obj$parameter)) loss_obj$parameter <- list(scale = loss_obj$parameter)
#   if(!is.null(custom_parameters)){
#     if(!inherits(custom_parameters,"list")){
#       warning("custom_parameters has to be list")
#     } else {
#       custom_parameters <- lapply(custom_parameters, function(x) torch::torch_tensor(x, requires_grad = TRUE, device = device))
#       loss_obj$parameter <- append(loss_obj$parameter, unlist(custom_parameters))
#     }
#   }
#   targets <- format_targets(Y, loss_obj)
#   Y_torch <- targets$Y
#   Y_base <- targets$Y_base
#   y_dim <- targets$y_dim
#   ylvls <- targets$ylvls
#   dnn_input <- 0
#   for(i in 1:length(models)) {
#     dnn_input <- dnn_input + dim(models[[i]]$net(X[[i]][1,drop=F]))[2]
#   }
#   dnn <- build_dnn(dnn_input, y_dim, hidden, activation, bias, dropout)
#   net <- build_mmn(lapply(models, function(x) x$net), dnn)
#   return(list(net = net, X=X, Y=Y_torch))
# }
# format_input_data <- function(formula, dataList) {
#   inner <- function(term, input_data) {
#     if(term[[1]] == "+") {
#       input_data <- inner(term[[2]], input_data)
#       input_data <- inner(term[[3]], input_data)
#     } else if(term[[1]] == "dnn") {
#       call <- match.call(dnn, term)
#       if(!is.null(call$X)) {
#         input_data <- append(input_data, torch::torch_tensor(model.matrix(as.formula("~ . - 1"), data = data.frame(eval(call$X, envir = dataList)))))
#       } else if(!is.null(call$formula)) {
#         if(!is.null(call$data)) {
#           data <- data.frame(eval(call$data, envir = dataList))
#           formula <- formula(stats::terms.formula(formula(call$formula), data = data))
#           formula <- stats::update.formula(formula, ~ . - 1)
#           input_data <- append(input_data, torch::torch_tensor(model.matrix(formula, data = data)))
#         } else {
#           formula <- stats::update.formula(formula(call$formula), ~ . - 1)
#           input_data <- append(input_data, torch::torch_tensor(model.matrix(formula, data = dataList)))
#         }
#       } else {
#         stop(paste0("In '", deparse(term), "' either 'formula' or 'X' must be specified."))
#       }
#     } else if(term[[1]] == "cnn") {
#       call <- match.call(cnn, term)
#       input_data <- append(input_data, torch::torch_tensor(eval(call$X, envir = dataList), dtype = torch::torch_float32()))
#     } else {
#       stop(paste0("Symbol not supported: ", term[[1]]))
#     }
#     return(input_data)
#   }
#   return(inner(formula, list()))
# }
# get_models <- function(formula, dataList) {
#   inner <- function(term, models) {
#     if(term[[1]] == "+") {
#       models <- inner(term[[2]], models)
#       models <- inner(term[[3]], models)
#     } else if(term[[1]] == "dnn") {
#       call <- match.call(dnn, term)
#       models <- append(models, list(eval(call, envir = dataList)))
#     } else if(term[[1]] == "cnn") {
#       call <- match.call(cnn, term)
#       models <- append(models, list(eval(call, envir = dataList)))
#     } else {
#       stop(paste0("Symbol not supported: ", term[[1]]))
#     }
#     return(models)
#   }
#   return(inner(formula, list()))
# }

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