
Create a new R Markdown document using the Clean HTML R Markdown template in RStudio, or add the following to your .Rmd YAML header to use cleanrmd::html_document_clean.

    theme: no-class

To explore the available themes, set theme to NULL.

    theme: NULL
combine_code <- function(x) {
  knitr::combine_words(x, before = "`")

Syntax highlighting is provided by default by pandoc, where syntax highlighting is performed during during the render, minimizing dependencies. pandoc's highlighting themes include r combine_code(cleanrmd:::pandoc_highlight_styles()[-1:-3]). The default highlighting theme is arrow, provided by the rmarkdown package in addition to the rstudio theme.

html_document_clean() can also use Prism for highlighting. In this case, highlighting is performed in the browser and the dependencies are downloaded as needed. To use Prism, set theme: prism or use one of the following value to choose a specific Prism theme: r combine_code(cleanrmd:::prism_themes()[-1]).

MathJax and FontAwesome are also available but disabled by default. To enable either feature, you can set mathjax to local or default, as in rmarkdown::html_document(). Set use_fontawesome to TRUE to enable Font Awesome icons.

    mathjax: default
    use_fontawesome: true

Just the theme

You can also load the CSS theme dependencies in other places where htmltools can be used to provide HTML dependencies, such as Shiny apps.

To include a theme in your app or page, use

cleanrmd::use_cleanrmd(theme = "new.css")

To view the list of theme options view the help pages of cleanrmd_themes() or use its output:


Try the cleanrmd package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

cleanrmd documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:58 p.m.