
#' Performances of 9 methods for dimension reduction on data simulated under
#' the CLERE model
#' This dataset is a matrix of 200 rows and 28 colums. The columns can be
#' grouped as three blocs of 9 (for each method compared: \code{LASSO},
#' \code{RIDGE}, Elastic net [\code{ELNET}], Stepwise variable selection
#' [\code{STEP}], \code{CLERE}, CLERE sparse [\code{CLERE_s}], Spike and Slab
#' [\code{SS}], \code{AVG} method and Pairwise Absolute Clustering and Sparsity
#' [\code{PACS}]). Prediction errors (MSE), number of estimated parameters and
#' time (seconds) to fit the data are compared.The 1st 9 (1:9) contain
#' prediction error obtained by 5-fold cross validation using 10 random
#' permutation of the covariate matrix. The 2nd 9 columns (10:18) contain the
#' number of parameters estimated for each method. The 3rd 9 columns are times
#' in seconds measured for fitting each methods. The 28 column is the seed
#' utilized for generating random numbers in these analyses. Each row
#' corresponds to a simulated dataset on which all 9 methods were fitted. For
#' more details, please refer to the package vignette.  The R script used to
#' create this dataset is clere/inst/doc/SimulatedDataExample.R.
#' @format A 200 x 28 matrix.
#' @seealso Overview : \code{\link{clere-package}} \cr 
#' Classes : \code{\linkS4class{Clere}}, \code{\linkS4class{Pacs}} \cr 
#' Methods : \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{clusters}}, \code{\link{predict}}, \code{\link{summary}} \cr 
#' Functions : \code{\link{fitClere}}, \code{\link{fitPacs}} 
#' Datasets : \code{\link{numExpRealData}}, \code{\link{numExpSimData}}, \code{\link{algoComp}}

# ## Library and scripts
# library(parallel)
# library(glmnet)
# library(lars)
# library(spikeslab)
# library(clere)
# ## Implementation of the AVG methodology
# collapse <- function(x, classes) {
#   t(apply(x, 1, function(u) aggregate(x = u, by = list(classes), sum)[, "x"]))
# }
# avg <- function(x, y, nCPU) {
#   ## hierarchical clustering
#   p <- ncol(x)
#   don <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#   dc <- dist(t(don), method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)
#   hier <- hclust(dc, "ward.D")
#   sgs <- lapply(1:p, function(j) cutree(hier, j))[-1]
#   bhi <- mclapply(sgs, function(classes) min(cv.glmnet(collapse(x, classes), as.vector(y), type = "mse", alpha = 1.0, nfolds = 5)$cvm),
#     mc.cores = nCPU, mc.set.seed = TRUE
#   )
#   classes <- sgs[[which.min(bhi)]]
#   g <- length(unique(classes))
#   z <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = g)
#   for (j in 1:p) {
#     z[j, classes[j]] <- 1
#   }
#   xz <- x %*% z
#   cv <- cv.glmnet(xz, as.vector(y), type = "mse", alpha = 1.0, nfolds = 5)
#   lminlasso <- cv$lambda.min
#   fitlasso <- glmnet(xz, as.vector(y), lambda = lminlasso, alpha = 1.0, standardize = FALSE)
#   Bavg <- z %*% fitlasso$beta[, 1]
#   df <- length(unique(Bavg[which(Bavg != 0)]))
#   return(list(Bavg = Bavg, Z = z, a0 = fitlasso$a0, df = df))
# }
# compare <- function(xt, yt, xv, yv, seed = seed, nCPU = 10) {
#   set.seed(seed)
#   Competitors <- c(
#     "LASSO", "RIDGE", "ELNET", "STEP", "CLERE", "CLERE_s", "SS", "AVG", "PACS",
#     "plasso", "pridge", "pelnet", "pstep", "pclere", "pclere_s", "pss", "pavg", "ppacs",
#     "tlasso", "tridge", "telnet", "tstep", "tclere", "tclere_s", "tss", "tavg", "tpacs",
#     "seed"
#   )
#   nComp <- length(Competitors)
#   Pred <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = nComp)
#   colnames(Pred) <- Competitors
#   sim <- 1
#   Pred[sim, "seed"] <- seed
#   ## STEP
#   tstep <- system.time({
#     stepwise <- lars(xt, yt, type = "stepwise", intercept = TRUE, normalize = FALSE)
#     B <- stepwise$beta
#   })
#   Bstep <- B[nrow(B), ]
#   Pred[sim, "STEP"] <- mean((yv - stepwise$mu - xv %*% Bstep)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "pstep"] <- sum(Bstep != 0)
#   Pred[sim, "tstep"] <- tstep[3]
#   ## LASSO
#   tlasso <- system.time({
#     cvlasso <- cv.glmnet(xt, as.vector(yt), type = "mse", alpha = 1.0, nfolds = 5)
#     lminlasso <- cvlasso$lambda.min
#     fitlasso <- glmnet(xt, as.vector(yt), lambda = lminlasso, alpha = 1.0)
#     Blasso <- fitlasso$beta[, 1]
#   })
#   Pred[sim, "LASSO"] <- mean((yv - fitlasso$a0 - xv %*% Blasso)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "plasso"] <- sum(Blasso != 0)
#   Pred[sim, "tlasso"] <- tlasso[3]
#   ## RIDGE
#   tridge <- system.time({
#     cv <- cv.glmnet(xt, as.vector(yt), type = "mse", alpha = 0.0, nfolds = 5)
#     lminridge <- cv$lambda.min
#     fitridge <- glmnet(xt, as.vector(yt), lambda = lminridge, alpha = 0.0)
#     Bridge <- fitridge$beta[, 1]
#   })
#   Pred[sim, "RIDGE"] <- mean((yv - fitridge$a0 - xv %*% Bridge)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "pridge"] <- sum(Bridge != 0)
#   Pred[sim, "tridge"] <- tridge[3]
#   ## ELNET
#   telnet <- system.time({
#     aset <- seq(0.0, 0.0, by = 0.1)
#     laset <- length(aset)
#     cven <- matrix(NA, nrow = laset, ncol = 2)
#     for (k in 1:laset) {
#       cv <- cv.glmnet(xt, as.vector(yt), type = "mse", alpha = aset[k], nfolds = 5)
#       cven[k, 1] <- min(cv$cvm)
#       cven[k, 2] <- cv$lambda.min
#     }
#     imin <- which.min(cven[, 1])
#     fitelnet <- glmnet(xt, as.vector(yt), lambda = cven[imin, 2], alpha = aset[imin])
#     Belnet <- fitelnet$beta[, 1]
#   })
#   Pred[sim, "ELNET"] <- mean((yv - fitelnet$a0 - xv %*% Belnet)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "pelnet"] <- sum(Belnet != 0)
#   Pred[sim, "telnet"] <- telnet[3]
#   ## AVG
#   ttavg <- system.time(avgmod <- avg(xt, yt, nCPU))
#   Pred[sim, "AVG"] <- mean((yv - avgmod$a0 - xv %*% avgmod$Bavg)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "pavg"] <- avgmod$df
#   Pred[sim, "tavg"] <- ttavg[3]
#   ## CLERE
#   gmax <- 3
#   nstart <- nCPU
#   w <- function(gmax, sparse) {
#     mod <- fitClere(
#       y = yt, x = xt, g = gmax, seed = seed,
#       nstart = nstart, parallel = TRUE,
#       analysis = "aic", plotit = FALSE,
#       sparse = sparse, nItEM = 2000,
#       nBurn = 1000, nItMC = 10, dp = 5,
#       nsamp = 1000
#     )
#     return(mod)
#   }
#   tclere0 <- system.time(clere0 <- w(gmax, FALSE))
#   tclere1 <- system.time(clere1 <- w(gmax, TRUE))
#   Pred[sim, "CLERE"] <- mean((yv - predict(clere0, xv))^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "pclere"] <- 2 * length(clere0@b) + 2
#   Pred[sim, "tclere"] <- tclere0[3]
#   Pred[sim, "CLERE_s"] <- mean((yv - predict(clere1, xv))^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "pclere_s"] <- 2 * length(clere1@b) + 1
#   Pred[sim, "tclere_s"] <- tclere1[3]
#   ## Spike and Slab
#   tss <- system.time(ss <- spikeslab(x = xt, y = yt, n.iter1 = 1000, n.iter2 = 1000, seed = as.integer(seed)))
#   pss <- predict.spikeslab(ss, newdata = xv)
#   Pred[sim, "SS"] <- mean((yv - pss$yhat.bma)^2)
#   Pred[sim, "pss"] <- ss$phat
#   Pred[sim, "tss"] <- tss[3]
#   ## PACS
#   epsPACS <- 1e-5
#   lpacs <- c(outer(c(1, 2, 5), 10**(-2:2), FUN = "*"))
#   nfold <- 5
#   dp <- round(nrow(xt) / nfold)
#   pp <- function(lambda) {
#     fitpacs <- fitPacs(yt, xt, lambda, betaInput = Bridge, epsPACS = epsPACS, nItMax = 1000)
#     return(fitpacs)
#   }
#   ih <- function(ifold, lambda) {
#     lfold <- (1 + (ifold - 1) * dp):(min(ifold * dp, nrow(xt)))
#     fitpacs <- fitPacs(yt[-lfold], xt[-lfold, ], lambda, betaInput = Bridge, epsPACS = epsPACS, nItMax = 1000)
#     return(mean((yt[lfold] - fitpacs@a0 - xt[lfold, ] %*% fitpacs@betaOutput)^2))
#   }
#   cvpp <- function(lambda) {
#     cvout <- rep(NA, nfold)
#     for (ifold in 1:nfold) {
#       cvout[ifold] <- ih(ifold, lambda)
#     }
#     return(sqrt(mean(as.numeric(cvout), na.rm = TRUE)))
#   }
#   ttpacs <- system.time({
#     cvpacs <- do.call("c", mclapply(lpacs, cvpp, mc.cores = length(lpacs), mc.set.seed = TRUE))
#     lpacsGood <- lpacs[which.min(cvpacs)[1]]
#     pacsGood <- pp(lpacsGood)
#   })
#   Pred[sim, "PACS"] <- mean((yv - pacsGood@a0 - xv %*% pacsGood@betaOutput)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
#   Pred[sim, "ppacs"] <- pacsGood@K
#   Pred[sim, "tpacs"] <- ttpacs[3]
#   return(Pred)
# }
# ## Set seed
# Seed <- 1234
# set.seed(Seed)
# ## Simulation parameters
# sigma <- 1
# n <- 25
# p <- 50
# g <- 3
# ## Beta
# intercept <- 0
# g <- 3
# probs <- c(0.36 + 0.28, 0.20, 0.12 + 0.04)
# Eff <- p * probs
# a <- 4
# B <- a**(0:(g - 1)) - 1
# Beta <- rep(B, Eff)
# ## Generate dataset
# nsim <- 200
# N <- ifelse(n * nsim < 5000, 5000, n * nsim)
# Eps <- rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
# xpop <- matrix(rnorm(N * p), nrow = N, ncol = p)
# ypop <- as.numeric(intercept + xpop %*% Beta + Eps)
# numExpSimData <- NULL
# for (isim in 1:nsim) {
#   cat(paste("\tSimulation #", isim, ".\n", sep = ""))
#   lsim <- (1 + (isim - 1) * n):(isim * n)
#   xt <- xpop[+lsim, ]
#   yt <- ypop[+lsim]
#   xv <- xpop[-lsim, ]
#   yv <- ypop[-lsim]
#   numExpSimData <- rbind(numExpSimData, compare(xt, yt, xv, yv, Seed))
# }
# ## Ouptut
# usethis::use_data(numExpSimData, overwrite = TRUE)

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