
#' Create Rich Command Line Applications
#' Create rich command line applications, with colors, headings, lists,
#' alerts, progress bars, etc. It uses CSS for theming.
#' See [themes] for theming, [containers] for container elements,
#' [inline-markup] for more about command substitution and inline markup.
#' See also the various CLI elements:
#' * Text elements: [cli_text()], [cli_verbatim()], [cli_h1()].
#' * Containers: [cli_div()], [cli_par()], [cli_end()].
#' * Lists: [cli_ul()], [cli_ol()], [cli_dl()], [cli_it()].
#' * Alerts: [cli_alert()].
#' * Progress bars: [cli_progress_bar()].
#' @aliases cliapp-package NULL
#' @keywords internal

## usethis namespace: start
## usethis namespace: end

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cliapp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:01 a.m.