Man pages for climate
Interface to Download Meteorological (and Hydrological) Datasets

clean_metadata_hydroHydrological metadata cleaning (IMGW-PIB data only)
clean_metadata_meteoMeteorological metadata cleaning
climate-packageclimate: Interface to Download Meteorological (and...
co2_demoExamplary CO2 dataset from Mauna Loa Observatory (NOAA...
get_coord_from_stringGetting coordinates from a string provided by the Ogimet web...
hydro_imgwHydrological data from IMGW
hydro_imgw_annualSemi-annual and annual hydrological data
hydro_imgw_dailyDaily hydrological data
hydro_imgw_monthlyMonthly hydrological data
hydro_metadata_imgwHydrological metadata
hydro_shortening_imgwShortening column names for hydrological variables
imgw_hydro_abbrevDefinitions of hydrological parameters used for shortening...
imgw_hydro_stationsLocation of the hydrological stations from the...
imgw_meteo_abbrevDefinitions of meteorological parameters used for shortening...
imgw_meteo_stationsLocation of the meteorological stations from the...
meteo_imgwMeteorological data from IMGW
meteo_imgw_dailyDaily IMGW meteorological data
meteo_imgw_hourlyHourly IMGW meteorological data
meteo_imgw_monthlyMonthly IMGW meteorological data
meteo_metadata_imgwMeteorological metadata
meteo_noaa_co2CO2 Mauna Loa (NOAA) dataset
meteo_noaa_hourlyHourly NOAA Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) meteorological...
meteo_ogimetScrapping meteorological (Synop) data from the Ogimet webpage
meteo_shortening_imgwShortening column names for meteorological variables
nearest_stations_imgwList of nearby meteorological or hydrological IMGW-PIB...
nearest_stations_nooaList of nearby SYNOP stations for a defined geographical...
nearest_stations_ogimetList of nearby synop stations for a defined geographical...
ogimet_dailyScrapping daily meteorological (Synop) data from the Ogimet...
ogimet_hourlyScrapping hourly meteorological (Synop) data from the Ogimet...
precip_splitSplitting precipitation values to 6/12/24 hour periods and...
profile_demoExamplary sounding profile from University of Wyoming...
sounding_wyomingSounding data
spheroid_distDistance between two points on a spheroid
stations_ogimetScrapping a list of meteorological (Synop) stations for a...
test_urlDownload file in a graceful way
climate documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 5:08 p.m.