meteo_imgw_datastore: IMGW meteorological data from the IMGW datastore repository

View source: R/meteo_imgw_datastore.R

meteo_imgw_datastoreR Documentation

IMGW meteorological data from the IMGW datastore repository


Downloading hourly (meteorological) data from the telemetric stations available in the collection since 2008. Most parameters are collected with 10 minutes interval and thus it is recommended to download only the mandatory years, parameters or stations. For example, 1 year of data with all available parameters requires processing around 4GB of uncompressed data.


  parameters = NULL,
  stations = NULL,
  coords = TRUE,
  allow_failure = TRUE



numeric vector of years to be downloaded (e.g., 2022:2023)

  • character vector describing which parameters to be downloaded. Default NULL means to download all available.

    1. "wd" - wind direction (degrees)

    2. "t2m" - temperature at 2 metres above ground level (degree Celsius)

    3. "t0m" - ground temperature (degree Celsius)

    4. "rr_24h" - precipitation totals for last 24 hours (mm)

    5. "rr_1h" - precipitation totals for last 1 hour (mm)

    6. "rr_10min" - precipitation totals for last 10 minutes (mm)

    7. "ws" - wind speed (m/s)

    8. "ws_max" - maximum wind speed for last 10 minutes (m/s)

    9. "gust" - wind gust (if present) (m/s)

    10. "rh" - relative humidity (%)

    11. "water_in_snow" - water equivalent of melted snow cover (mm)

  • character vector with station names as visible in the meteo_imgw_telemetry_stations(). Default NULL means to download data for all available stations.

  • logical - whether to append the dataset with station full name, longitude, latitude and altitude. Default: TRUE


logical - whether to proceed or stop on failure. By default set to TRUE (i.e. don't stop on error). For debugging purposes change to FALSE


Data from the IMGW automated (telemetry) systems are non validated by experts and may contain invalid values.


data.frame with a raw meteorological measurements in 10-min intervals


imgw_telemetry = meteo_imgw_datastore(year = 2022:2023,
                                      parameters = "t2m",
                                      stations = c("HALA GĄSIENICOWA",
                                                   "DOLINA 5 STAWÓW"),
                                      coords = TRUE)

climate documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 9:06 a.m.