Man pages for clpAPI
R Interface to C API of COIN-or Clp

addColsCLPAdd Columns
addRowsCLPAdd Rows
chgColLowerCLPSet/Change Column Lower Bounds
chgColUpperCLPSet/Change Column Upper Bounds
chgObjCoefsCLPSet/Change Objective Coefficients
chgRowLowerCLPSet/Change Row Lower Bounds
chgRowUpperCLPSet/Change Row Upper Bounds
clpAPI-packageR Interface to C API of COIN-OR Clp
clpPtr-classClass '"clpPtr"'
copyNamesCLPCopy Column and Row Names in the Model
delColsCLPDelete Columns in the Model
delProbCLPDelete Problem Object
delRowsCLPDelete Rows in the Model
dropNamesCLPDrop Names in the Model
dualCLPSolve LP Problem with the Dual Simplex Method
getColDualCLPRetrieve all Column Dual Values
getColLowerCLPRetrieve Column Lower Bound
getColPrimCLPRetrieve all Column Primal Values
getColUpperCLPRetrieve Column Upper Bounds
getHitMaximumIterationsCLPReturns True if Hit Maximum Iterations (or Time)
getIndCLPRetrieve Row Indices of the Non Zero Elements in the...
getLogLevelCLPRetrieve the Log Level Flag
getMaximumIterationsCLPReturns Maximum Number of Iterations
getMaximumSecondsCLPMaximum Time in Seconds (from when Set called)
getNnzCLPRetrieve the Non Zero Elements of the Constraint Matrix in...
getNumColsCLPRetrieve the Current Number of Columns in the Model
getNumNnzCLPRetrieve the Current Number of Non Zero Elements in the Model
getNumRowsCLPRetrieve the Current Number of Rows in the Model
getObjCoefsCLPRetrieve Objective Coefficients
getObjDirCLPRetrieve Optimization Direction Flag
getObjValCLPRetrieve the Value of the Objective Function After...
getRowDualCLPRetrieve all Row Dual Values
getRowLowerCLPRetrieve Row Lower Bound
getRowPrimCLPRetrieve all Row Primal Values
getRowUpperCLPRetrieve Row Upper Bound
getScaleFlagCLPRetrieve the Scale Flag
getSolStatusCLPRetrieve the Solution Status
getVecLenCLPRetrieve the Number of Non Zero Elements per Column
getVecStartCLPRetrieve Column Starts in Constraint Matrix
idiotCLPSolve LP Problem with the idiot Code
initProbCLPCreate a COIN-OR Clp Problem Object
isAvailableFuncCLPCheck if some newer functions relying on CLP version >=...
lengthNamesCLPLength of the Names in the Model
loadMatrixCLPLoad Constraint Matrix
loadProblemCLPLoad Problem Data
modifyCoefficientCLPChange matrix coefficients
primalCLPSolve LP Problem with the Primal Simplex Method
printModelCLPPrint the Model to STDOUT
probNameCLPSet Problem Name
readMPSCLPRead Problem in (Free) MPS Format
resizeCLPResize a Model
restoreModelCLPRestore model from file
return_codeCLPTranslates a COIN-OR Clp Return Code into a Human Readable...
saveModelCLPSave model to file
scaleModelCLPSet/Unset the Scaling Flag (Method)
setColNameCLPSet column name
setLogLevelCLPSet the Amount of Output to STDOUT
setMaximumIterationsCLPSet the Maximum Number of Iterations
setMaximumSecondsCLPSet the Maximum Time in Seconds
setNumberIterationsCLPSet the Number of Iterations
setObjDirCLPSet/Change Optimization Direction Flag
setRowNameCLPSet row name
solveInitialBarrierCLPSolve LP Problem with the Initial Barrier Method
solveInitialBarrierNoCrossCLPSolve LP Problem with the Initial Barrier Method (no...
solveInitialCLPSolve LP Problem with a General Solve Algorithm
solveInitialDualCLPSolve LP Problem with the Initial Dual Simplex Method
solveInitialPrimalCLPSolve LP Problem with the Initial Primal Simplex Method
status_codeCLPTranslates a COIN-OR Clp Status Value into a Human Readable...
versionCLPDetermine COIN-OR Clp Callable Library Version
writeMPSCLPWrite an MPS Format file to the given filename
clpAPI documentation built on Oct. 28, 2021, 5:08 p.m.