Man pages for clusterfly
Explore clustering interactively using R and GGobi

addhullAdd convex hulls Add conver hulls using the tool qconvex clusterfly object to data.frame. Concatenates data...
cfly_animateDynamic plot: Animate glyph colours
cfly_clarifyMatch all cluster indices to common reference.
cfly_clusterAdd clustering.
cfly_distStatic plot: Variable distribution. Draw a density plot for...
cfly_fluctStatic plot: Fluctuation diagram. Draw a fluctuation diagram...
cfly_pcpStatic plot: Parallel coordinates. Draw a parallel...
cfly_showShow in ggobi. Opens an instance ggobi for this dataset (if...
clarifyClarify matrix Clarify matrix ordering to minimize off...
clusterflyCreates a convenient data structure for dealing with a...
clustersExtract clusters from clustering object.
cut.hierflyCut hierfly object into k clusters/colours.
ellipseCreate multivariate ellipse. Randomly sample points from a...
ggobi.hierflyVisualise hierarchical clustering with GGobi. Displays both...
ggobi.somVisualise Kohonen self organising maps with GGobi Displays...
hierarchicalHierachical clustering Convenient methods for hierachical...
hierflyVisualisig hierarchical clustering. This method supplements a...
meflyDisplay model based clustering with mvn ellipses. Displays...
olive_exampleExample clusterfly object created with olives data
clusterfly documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:12 a.m.