calc_sc3_stability_cluster: Calculate single SC3 stability

View source: R/stability.R

calc_sc3_stability_clusterR Documentation

Calculate single SC3 stability


Calculate the SC3 stability index for a single cluster in a set of clusterings. The index varies from 0 to 1, where 1 suggests that a cluster is more stable across resolutions.


calc_sc3_stability_cluster(clusterings, res, cluster)



numeric matrix containing clustering information, each column contains clustering at a separate resolution


resolution of the cluster to calculate stability for


index of the cluster to calculate stability for


This index was originally introduced in the SC3 package for clustering single-cell RNA-seq data. Clusters are awarded increased stability if they share the same samples as a cluster at another resolution and penalised at higher resolutions. We use a slightly different notation to describe the score but the results are the same:

s(c_{k, i}) = \frac{1}{size(L) + 1} \sum_{l \in L} \sum_{j \in N_l} \frac{size(c_{k, i} \cap c_{l, j})}{size(c_{l, j}) * size(N_l) ^ 2}


  • ⁠c_{x, y}⁠ is cluster y at resolution x

  • k is the resolution of the cluster we want to score

  • i is the index of the cluster we want to score

  • L is the set of all resolutions except k

  • l is a resolution in L

  • N_l is the set of clusters at resolution l that share samples with ⁠c_{k, i}⁠

  • j is a cluster in N_l


SC3 stability index

See Also

The documentation for the calculate_stability function in the SC3 package

clustree documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 1:07 a.m.