Man pages for cmpsR
R Implementation of Congruent Matching Profile Segments Method

bulletsInformation of two example bullets
cmps_na_trimRemove the leading and trailing missing values in a numeric...
cmps_segment_plotPlot the selected basis segment and its cross-correlation...
cmps_signature_plotPlot reference signature and comparison signature based on...
compute_cross_corrWrapper function for compute_cross_corr
compute_diff_phaseCompute a Statistic for the Foreground Phase and the...
compute_score_metricsCompute Different Metrics Based on Scores
compute_ss_ratio#' Compute the Sum of Squares Ratio
extract_feature_cmpsComputes the CMPS score of a comparison between two bullet...
get_all_phasesObtain a list of all phases of a bullet-by-bullet comparison
get_ccf4Function to calculate the cross-correlation between two...
get_ccpIdentify at most one consistent correlation peak (ccp)
get_ccr_peaksIdentify peaks of a cross correlation curve
get_CMPSCompute the CMPS score
get_segsDivide a bullet signature/profile into basis segments of...
get_seg_scaleChange the sacle of a segment
local_max_cmpsfind local maximums
metric_plot_helperHelper Function for Plotting the Distribution of a Metric
na_trim_cmpsWrapper function for na_trim
cmpsR documentation built on July 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.