calculate_probs: Calculate coalition probabilities for multiple coalitions

calculate_probsR Documentation

Calculate coalition probabilities for multiple coalitions


Given a table with simulations in the rows and coalitions in the columns, this function returns the coalition probabilities for a specified coalition, by default excluding superior coalitions first


calculate_probs(majority_df, coalitions, exclude_superior = TRUE, ...)



A data frame containing logical values indicating if the coalitions (columns) have a majority (rows).


A list of coalitions for which coalition probabilities should be calculated. Each list entry must be a vector of party names. Those names need to correspond to the names in majority_df.


Logical. If TRUE, superior coalitions will be excluded, otherwise total coalition probabilities will be returned. Usually it makes sense to exclude superior coalitions.


Further arguments passed to get_superior

See Also



test_df <- data.frame(
 cdu            = c(rep(FALSE, 9), TRUE),
 cdu_fdp        = c(rep(FALSE, 8), TRUE, TRUE),
 cdu_fdp_greens = c(TRUE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 6), TRUE, TRUE))
calculate_probs(test_df, list("cdu", "cdu_fdp", "cdu_fdp_greens"))
calculate_probs(test_df, list("cdu", "cdu_fdp", "cdu_fdp_greens"), exclude_superior=FALSE)

coalitions documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 5:07 p.m.