Man pages for coarseDataTools
Analysis of Coarsely Observed Data

cd.fitAn S4 Class that stores a fitted coarse data object S4 Class that stores a MCMC fit coarse data object
dgammaOff1Function that calculates dgamma with a offset of 1 (i.e., 1...
dic.fitcensored survival data the distribution to the passed-in data using MCMC as...
EMforCFRA function to estimate the relative case fatality ratio when... window lengths from an influenza outbreak at a NYC... incubation period data for influenza A
get.obs.typeTries to guess the observation types (SIC, DIC, or exact).
loglikhdNegative log likelihood for a dataset of interval-censored...
logLik-methodsGet the log-likelihood value of a '' or ''...
mcmc.erlangDoes a metropolis hastings for the Erlang distribution
mcmcpack.llposterior log likelihood function to pass to MCMCpack sampler
nycH1N1Incubation period data from New York City Public Schools,...
pgammaOff1Function that calculates pgamma with a offset of 1 (i.e., 1...
precision.simulationSimulate incubation period analyses with coarse data
simulated.outbreak.deathsSimulated case and death reports from a fictional outbreak
coarseDataTools documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:29 a.m.