Man pages for coexist
Species coexistence modeling and analysis

batch.coexistencebatch anlaysis of coexistence summary tables
batch.mcoexistencebatch anlaysis of multiple coexistence summary tables, the...
batch.moneparbatch analysis to explore multiple species coexistence...
batch.mpaircompbatch analysis to explore coexistence density for different...
batch.n2nbatch analysis of niche and neutral/nearly-neutral cases for...
batch.oneparbatch analysis to explore coexistence density for handling...
batch.paircompbatch analysis to explore coexistence density for handling...
batch.pdf.oneparbatch mode to plot matrix heatmap graphics for different...
batch.pdf.pairparbatch analysis to plot matrix heatmaps for pairwise parameter...
batch.readbatch read different file data based on the order...
coexist-packagespecies coexistence modeling and analysis
comblistconstruct a full list of all combinations of parameters
comblist2construct a full list of all combinations of parameters
competitionperform competition analysis in the 2-species modeling
compvarcompetition parameters' matrix
convert.filenamesconvert saved data sets' names in to a vector based on the...
dispersalperform dispersal analysis for each simulation time step for...
dispvardispersal parameters' matrix
fast.flexsimfaster multiple species simulation, but just a bit, not fast...
filename.checkopen,check and create a new folder if not existed
flex.competitionperform flexible competition analysis allowing multiple...
flex.dispersalperform species-specific dispersal and fluctuating source...
flexsimspecies coexistence simulation for multiple-species modeling...
make.heatmapmake a heatmap based on matrix values
make.parcombmake the parameter combination index matrix
parsettingrate vector for each species at each island, called widely by...
plot_n2nplot distribution of niche and neutral coexistence patterns...
read.dataread data with paramter combination index file
read.patchdataread species abundance data from the patches, an internal...
sim.coarse2-species coexistence modeling based on the matrix listing...
spabundanceinitialization of species' abundance across the...
sta.coexistenceposterior coexistence analysis
sta.comparisonposterior different parameter rate comparison for a single...
sta.fitnessfitness/abundance comparison for neutral versus niche cases...
sta.mcoexistencebasic posterior coexistence analysis for a single scenario of...
sta.mcomparisonposterior different parameter rate comparison for a single...
sta.mpaircomparisonpairwise parameter comparison for multiple species with...
sta.paircomparisonpairwise parameter comparison for 2-species model
coexist documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:43 p.m.