Man pages for colorDF
Colorful Data Frames in R Terminal

add_colorDF_themeAdd a new theme
colorDFMake a dataframe colorful
colorDF-global-optionsGlobal options for colorDF
colorDF-packagecolorDF – colorful data frames in your terminal
colorDF_themesList all available themes for colorful data frames
colorDF_themes_showDemonstrate all defined themes
col_typeSet or retrieve a column type
df_searchSearch and highlight occurences of a pattern
df_styleGet or set style of a colorful data frame
example_colorDFExample data frame for colorDF
format_colFormat a vector using styles
get_colorDF_themeReturn a style defined in a theme
highlightHighlight some rows in a data frame
is.colorDFTest whether an object has the class of colorDF
print_colorDFPrint method for colorful data frames
remove_df_styleRemove the colorful dataframe style attribute
summary_colorDFMeaningful summary of lists and data frames
term_boxplotBoxplot in a terminal
uncolorStrip the colorDF class and style
colorDF documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 5:06 p.m.