
Defines functions colour_values_to_hex.default colour_values_to_hex.POSIXlt colour_values_to_hex.POSIXct colour_values_to_hex.Date colour_values_to_hex.factor colour_values_to_hex.logical colour_values_to_hex.character colour_values_to_hex colour_values

Documented in colour_values colour_values_to_hex.character colour_values_to_hex.Date colour_values_to_hex.factor colour_values_to_hex.logical colour_values_to_hex.POSIXct colour_values_to_hex.POSIXlt

#' Colour Values
#' maps colours to values, returning a vector of hex strings
#' @param x vector of values to map to a colour
#' @param palette colour palette. See details and examples
#' @param na_colour hex string colour to use for NA values in the form \code{#RRGGBBAA}.
#' @param alpha optional. Single value in [0,255] applied to all colours,
#' or a decimal in [0, 1) (to indicate a percentage, noting 1 is excluded),
#' or a vector of numeric values the same length as \code{x}.
#' The numeric vector will be scaled into the range [0,255].
#' If a matrix palette is supplied this argument is ignored.
#' @param include_alpha logical indicating if the returned hex or matrix should include
#' the alpha values. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param n_summaries positive integer. If supplied a summary colour palette will be returned
#' in a list, containing \code{n_summaries} equally spaced values of \code{x} in the range \code{[min(x),max(x)]},
#' and their associated colours. If a non-numeric \code{x} is used this value is ignored
#' @param summary logical indicating if a summary of the colours should be returned as
#' well as the full colour mapping. This will be the unique elements of \code{x} mapped to the colour.
#' @param format logical indicating if the summary values should be formatted.
#' @param digits number of decimal places to show in the summary
#' @seealso colour_values_rgb
#' @details
#' The palette can either be
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{String - }{use \code{colour_palettes()} to view available palettes}
#'   \item{Matrix - }{At least 5 rows, and 3 (or 4) columns representing the red, green and blue (and alpha) values}
#' }
#' The matrix \code{palette} requires 5 rows because the colours are interpolated using a
#' cubic b-spline. This method requires 5 values.
#' @examples
#' ## in-built palettes
#' colour_values(x = 1:5) ## default is "viridis"
#' colour_values(x = 1:5, palette = "inferno")
#' colour_values(x = 1:5, palette = "plasma")
#' colour_values(x = 1:5, palette = "magma")
#' colour_values(x = 1:5, palette = "cividis")
#' colour_values(x = 1:5, palette = "rainbow")
#' ## matrix palette
#' n <- 100
#' m <- grDevices::colorRamp(c("red", "green"))( (1:n)/n )
#' df <- data.frame(a = 10, x = 1:n)
#' df$col <- colour_values(df$x, palette = m)
#' barplot(height = df$a, col = df$col, border = NA, space = 0)
#' ## with an alpha column on the palette
#' n <- 100
#' m <- grDevices::colorRamp(c("red", "green"))( (1:n)/n )
#' m <- cbind(m, seq(0, 255, length.out = 100))
#' df <- data.frame(a = 10, x = 1:n)
#' df$col <- colour_values(df$x, palette = m)
#' barplot(height = df$a, col = df$col, border = NA, space = 0)
#' ## single alpha value for all colours
#' df <- data.frame(a = 10, x = 1:255)
#' df$col <- colour_values(df$x, alpha = 50)
#' barplot(height = df$a, col = df$col, border = NA, space = 0)
#' ## vector of alpha values
#' df <- data.frame(a = 10, x = 1:300, y = rep(c(1:50, 50:1), 3) )
#' df$col <- colour_values(df$x, alpha = df$y)
#' barplot(height = df$a, col = df$col, border = NA, space = 0)
#' ## returning a summary palette
#' colour_values(-10:10, n_summaries = 5)
# ## controlling the number of digits in the summary
#' colour_values(x = runif(20, 0, 1), n_summaries = 3, digits = 2)
#' colour_values(x = runif(20, 0, 1), n_summaries = 3, digits = 10)
#' ## Formatting output
#' ## default is TRUE
#' colour_values(
#'   x = seq(as.Date("2023-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-31"), by = 1)
#'   , n_summaries = 5
#' )
#' colour_values(
#'   x = seq(as.Date("2023-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-31"), by = 1)
#'   , n_summaries = 5
#'   , format = FALSE
#' )
#' @export
colour_values <- function( x, palette = "viridis", alpha = 255, na_colour = "#808080FF",
                           include_alpha = TRUE, summary = FALSE, n_summaries = 0,
                           format = TRUE, digits = 2) {
  palette <- palette_check( palette )

    x = x
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries
    , format = format
    , digits = digits

#' @rdname colour_values
#' @export
color_values <- colour_values

colour_values_to_hex <- function( x, palette, alpha, na_colour, include_alpha, summary, n_summaries, format, digits ) {

#' @rdname colour_values
#' @export
colour_values_to_hex.character <- function( x, palette, alpha, na_colour, include_alpha, summary, n_summaries, format, digits ) {

    x = x
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries
    , format = format
    , digits = digits

#' @rdname colour_values
#' @export
colour_values_to_hex.logical <- function( x, palette, alpha, na_colour, include_alpha, summary, n_summaries, format, digits ) {
    x = x
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries
    , format = format
    , digits = digits

#' @rdname colour_values
#' @export
colour_values_to_hex.factor <- function( x, palette, alpha, na_colour, include_alpha, summary, n_summaries, format, digits ) {
    x = x
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries
    , format = format
    , digits = digits

#' @rdname colour_values
#' @export
colour_values_to_hex.Date <-  function( x, palette, alpha, na_colour, include_alpha, summary, n_summaries, format, digits ) {

    x = x
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries
    , format = format
    , digits = 0

#' @rdname colour_values
#' @export
colour_values_to_hex.POSIXct <-  function( x, palette, alpha, na_colour, include_alpha, summary, n_summaries, format, digits ) {

    x = x
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries
    , format = format
    , digits = 0

#' @rdname colour_values
#' @export
colour_values_to_hex.POSIXlt <- function( x, palette, alpha, na_colour, include_alpha, summary, n_summaries, format, digits ) {

    x = as.POSIXct( x )
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries
    , format = format
    , digits = 0

#' @export
colour_values_to_hex.default <- function(
  ) {

    x = x
    , palette = palette
    , alpha = alpha
    , na_colour = na_colour
    , include_alpha = include_alpha
    , format = format
    , digits = digits
    , summary = summary
    , n_summaries = n_summaries

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colourvalues documentation built on April 11, 2023, 6:08 p.m.