Man pages for combiroc
Selection and Ranking of Omics Biomarkers Combinations Made Easy

combiCompute combinations.
combiroc_longReshape combiroc data in long format.
combi_scoreCompute the combi score using glm(link='binomial') models and...
combs_withShow combinations with given markers.
demo_dataA demo dataset with proteomics markers
demo_unclassified_dataA demo dataset with unlabeled proteomics markers
load_dataLoad CombiROC data.
markers_distributionShow distribution of intensity values for all the markers...
ranked_combsRank combinations.
roc_reportsTrain logistic regression and compute ROC.
seurat_to_combirocLoad CombiROC data.
show_markersShow the composition of combinations.
single_markers_statisticsProvide statistics for each marker.
combiroc documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:56 p.m.