CommunityClimateStatistics-class: Class '"CommunityClimateStatistics"'

CommunityClimateStatistics-classR Documentation

Class "CommunityClimateStatistics"


A class used to compactly store output of community climate analysis. Can be summarized and plotted.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("CommunityClimateStatistics", ...).



Object of class "list" A list with elements reflecting community climate statistics. See climatestatistics for a helper function and more information.


Object of class "list" A list of lists, corresponding to output similar to obsStats for each null community.


Object of class "list" A lis with elements reflecting community climate deviations. See climatedeviations for a helper function and more information.

comclim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:41 a.m.