
Defines functions nns_boostrap get_nns

Documented in get_nns

#' Given a tokenized corpus and a set of candidate neighbors, find the top N nearest
#' neighbors.
#' This is a wrapper function for `nns()` that allows users to go from a
#' tokenized corpus to results with the option to bootstrap cosine similarities
#' and get the corresponding std. errors.
#' @param x a (quanteda) `tokens-class` object
#' @inheritParams nns
#' @inheritParams dem
#' @inheritParams dem_group
#' @param bootstrap (logical) if TRUE, use bootstrapping -- sample from `x` with replacement and
#' re-estimate cosine similarities for each sample. Required to get std. errors.
#' If `groups` defined, sampling is automatically stratified.
#' @param num_bootstraps (integer) number of bootstraps to use.
#' @param confidence_level (numeric in (0,1)) confidence level e.g. 0.95
#' @return a `data.frame` or list of data.frames (one for each target)
#' with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`target`}{ (character) rownames of `x`,
#'  the labels of the ALC embeddings. `NA` if `is.null(rownames(x))`.}
#'  \item{`feature`}{(character) features identified as nearest neighbors.}
#'  \item{`rank`}{(character) rank of feature in terms of similarity with `x`.}
#'  \item{`value`}{(numeric) cosine similarity between `x`
#'  and feature. Average over bootstrapped samples if bootstrap = TRUE.}
#'  \item{`std.error`}{(numeric) std. error of the similarity value.
#'  Column is dropped if bootstrap = FALSE.}
#'  \item{`lower.ci`}{(numeric) (if bootstrap = TRUE) lower bound of the confidence interval.}
#'  \item{`upper.ci`}{(numeric) (if bootstrap = TRUE) upper bound of the confidence interval.}
#'  }
#' @export
#' @rdname get_nns
#' @keywords get_nns
#' @examples
#' library(quanteda)
#' # tokenize corpus
#' toks <- tokens(cr_sample_corpus)
#' # build a tokenized corpus of contexts sorrounding a target term
#' immig_toks <- tokens_context(x = toks, pattern = "immigration", window = 6L)
#' # sample 100 instances of the target term, stratifying by party (only for example purposes)
#' set.seed(2022L)
#' immig_toks <- tokens_sample(immig_toks, size = 100, by = docvars(immig_toks, 'party'))
#' # we limit candidates to features in our corpus
#' feats <- featnames(dfm(immig_toks))
#' # compare nearest neighbors between groups
#' set.seed(2021L)
#' immig_party_nns <- get_nns(x = immig_toks, N = 10,
#'                            groups = docvars(immig_toks, 'party'),
#'                            candidates = feats,
#'                            pre_trained = cr_glove_subset,
#'                            transform = TRUE,
#'                            transform_matrix = cr_transform,
#'                            bootstrap = TRUE,
#'                            num_bootstraps = 100,
#'                            stem = TRUE,
#'                            as_list = TRUE)
#' # nearest neighbors of "immigration" for Republican party
#' immig_party_nns[["R"]]
get_nns <- function(x,
                    N = 10,
                    groups = NULL,
                    candidates = character(0),
                    transform = TRUE,
                    bootstrap = TRUE,
                    num_bootstraps = 100,
                    confidence_level = 0.95,
                    stem = FALSE,
                    language = 'porter',
                    as_list = TRUE) {

  # initial checks
  if(bootstrap && (confidence_level >= 1 || confidence_level<=0)) stop('"confidence_level" must be a numeric value between 0 and 1.', call. = FALSE) # check confidence level is between 0 and 1
  if(bootstrap && num_bootstraps < 100) stop('num_bootstraps must be at least 100') # check num_bootstraps >= 100
  if(class(x)[1] != "tokens") stop("data must be of class tokens")

  # stemming check
    if (requireNamespace("SnowballC", quietly = TRUE)) {
      cat('Using', language, 'for stemming. To check available languages run "SnowballC::getStemLanguages()"', '\n')
    } else stop('"SnowballC (>= 0.7.0)" package must be installed to use stemmming option.')

  # add grouping variable to docvars
  if(!is.null(groups)) quanteda::docvars(x) <- NULL; quanteda::docvars(x, "group") <- groups

  # subset candidates to features present in pre-trained embeddings provided
  if(length(candidates) > 0) candidates <- intersect(candidates, rownames(pre_trained))

  # create document-feature matrix
  x_dfm <- quanteda::dfm(x, tolower = FALSE)

  # compute document-embedding matrix
  x_dem <- dem(x = x_dfm, pre_trained = pre_trained, transform = transform, transform_matrix = transform_matrix, verbose = FALSE)

  # if bootstrap
    cat('starting bootstraps \n')
    nnsdf_bs <- replicate(num_bootstraps,
              nns_boostrap(x = x_dem,
                           groups =  x_dem@docvars$group,
                           candidates = candidates,
                           pre_trained = pre_trained,
                           stem = stem,
                           as_list = FALSE),
              simplify = FALSE)
    result <- do.call(rbind, nnsdf_bs) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(target, feature) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(lower.ci = dplyr::nth(value, round((1-confidence_level)*num_bootstraps), order_by = value),
                    upper.ci = dplyr::nth(value, round(confidence_level*num_bootstraps), order_by = value)) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(std.error = sd(value),
                       value = mean(value),
                       lower.ci = mean(lower.ci),
                       upper.ci = mean(upper.ci),
                       .groups = 'keep') %>%
      dplyr::group_by(target) %>%
      dplyr::slice_max(order_by = value, n = N) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(rank = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::select('target', 'feature', 'rank', 'value', 'std.error', 'lower.ci', 'upper.ci')

    cat('done with bootstraps \n')

  # aggregate dems by group var
    wvs <- dem_group(x = x_dem, groups = x_dem@docvars$group)
  } else {
    wvs <- matrix(colMeans(x_dem), ncol = ncol(x_dem))

  # find nearest neighbors
  result <- nns(x = wvs, N = N, candidates = candidates, pre_trained = pre_trained, stem = stem, as_list = FALSE, show_language = FALSE)

  # if !as_list return a list object with an item for each target data.frame
    if(is.null(groups)) cat("NOTE: as_list cannot be TRUE if groups is NULL, proceeding with as_list = FALSE")
    else result <- lapply(unique(result$target), function(i) result[result$target == i,] %>% dplyr::mutate(target = as.character(target))) %>% setNames(unique(result$target))


# sub-function
nns_boostrap <- function(x,
                         groups = NULL,
                         candidates = character(0),
                         stem = FALSE,
                         as_list = FALSE){

  # sample dems with replacement
  x_sample_dem <- dem_sample(x = x, size = 1, replace = TRUE, by = groups)

  # aggregate dems by group var if defined
    wvs <- dem_group(x = x_sample_dem, groups = x_sample_dem@docvars$group)
  } else {
    wvs <- matrix(colMeans(x_sample_dem), ncol = ncol(x_sample_dem))

  # find nearest neighbors
  result <- nns(x = wvs, N = Inf, candidates = candidates, pre_trained = pre_trained, stem = stem, as_list = as_list, show_language = FALSE)



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conText documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:32 p.m.