plot_region_canvas: Plot a canvas backed with regions defined by a set of...

Description Usage Arguments Details

View source: R/plot.R


Produces a plot with all the background elements for plotting interpretation_set objects and similar outputs.


plot_region_canvas(boundaries, extra_boundaries = NULL, values,
  interpretations = NULL, boundary_values = FALSE,
  boundary_label_pos = "below", interpretation_label_pos = "right",
  x_axis_pos = "none", y_axis_pos = "none", inner_margin = c(0, 0.05, 0,
  0.05), edge_margin = c(0, 0.02, 0, 0.02), edge_type = "gradient", ...)



Named vector of numerical values of where boundaries should be drawn.


Names optional.


A matrix with either one or two columns containing the values of point estimates (one column) or ranges (two columns). Row names can specify labels.


Character vector of interpretations to be used for labelling interpretations or NULL. If provided, should be the same length as nrow(values).


A logical value indicating whether the values should be appended to the boundaries' names.


Where to put the boundary labels. Options are c("below", "above", "on top", "none"). If you are planning to plot values on the canvas and want the boundary labels on top then you may want to choose "none" and make a call to label_ontop_boundaries() after plotting values.


Options are c("right", "left", "none")


Location of a numerical x axis. Options are c("none", "below", "above").


Location of a numerical y axis. Default "none" will almost always be right. Options are c("none", "left", "right").


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of inner margin to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted area. This is space designed to be past any plotted objects but before the edging (defined separately via edge_margin). See Details.


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of 'edge margin' to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted width. This is the space designed to be occupied by plot edges (e.g. a gradient fading out). Currently only implemented for left and right; top and bottom values are ignored. See Details.


What style of edge to draw at the sides of the plot. Currently supported options are "gradient" (the default) and "zigzag".


Further parameters to be passed on.


If using to plot interpretation_set objects as generic items, the boundaries will typically be at arbitrary values selected for visual clarity. In this case it will typically not make sense to plot a numerical x axis. But boundaries can also be plotted as specific values related to the intended interpretation, and x axis plotting is normally appropriate in this case.

The colours of the background regions are determined by graphics::palette. Normally it will use the first n colours from the palette, where n is the number of regions (which is the number of boundaries + 1). If the left-most boundary is set to be at the edge of the plot (by having no values lower than it and setting inner_margin[2] and edge_margin[2] to 0), then the first colour in palette will be unused. Similarly, if the right-most boundary is set to be the edge of the plot then there will only be as many regions as boundaries, and elements 1:n-1 of the palette will be used. (And similarly, one fewer regions than boundaries will be drawn if both the first and last boundaries are the edges of the plot.)

A pair of extra margins are defined for the purposes of this plot. Both are technically drawn as part of the plotting area (i.e., not in the area of the actual margin, which normally contains axes etc.). Note that the order of edges used in these margins is the same as the graphics::par parameters mar and oma, but the scaling / units are not. These parameters are specified proportional to the area of active plotting, rather than as lines.)

confinterpret documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:41 p.m.