Man pages for confoundr
Diagnostics for Confounding of Time-Varying and Other Joint Exposures

apply.scopeFunction to subset the output table from balance() or...
balanceFunction to create a balance table for a specified...
catie_simSimulated data, loosely based on the Clinical Antipsychotic...
diagnoseFunction to loop over the lengthen() and balance() functions.
example_smlArtifical data set used to illustrate the functionality of...
lengthenFunction to create a "tidy" dataframe where the key...
makehistory.oneFunction to create exposure history for a single time varying...
makehistory.twoFunction to create joint exposure history for two distinct...
makeplotFunction to create balance plot for a specified diagnostic....
omit.historyFunction to remove irrelevant covariate history from a tidy...
toy_longArtifical data set used to test the functionality of...
toy_long_dropoutNArtifical data set used to test the functionality of...
toy_long_dropoutYArtifical data set used to test the functionality of...
toy_wide_censNArtifical data set used to test the functionality of...
toy_wide_censYArtifical data set used to test the functionality of...
toy_wide_dropoutNArtifical data set used to test the functionality of...
toy_wide_dropoutYArtifical data set used to test the functionality of...
widenFunction to transform data from person-time format to person...
confoundr documentation built on Sept. 20, 2019, 9:03 a.m.