Man pages for container
Extending Base 'R' Lists

addAdd Elements to Containers
addleftAdd Elements to the Left of Deques
atExtract Elements Safely
at2Extract Single Elements Safely
clearClear a Container
cloneClone an Object
ContainerContainer Class
container_optionsSet Container Package Options
ContainerS3Container - Enhancing R's list
countCount Elements
deleteDelete Container Elements Safely
delete_atDelete Elements at Indices Safely
deprecatedDeprecated Functions
DequeDeque Class
dequeS3Deque - Double-Ended Queue
DictDict Class
dictS3A Dictionary
dict.tableCombining Dict and data.table
discardDiscard Container Elements
discard_atDiscard Elements at Indices
hasCheck for Element
has_nameCheck for Name
is_emptyCheck if Object is Empty
IterableIterable abstract class interface
IteratorIterator Class
iterS3Iterate over Sequences
OpsArithmeticArithmetic Operators
OpsCompareComparison Operators
OpsExtractExtract Parts of a Container Object
OpsLogicLogic Operators
OpsReplaceReplace Parts of a Container
OrderedSetOrderedSet Class
peekPeek at Left or Right of a Deque
peek_atPeek at Indices
peek_at2Peek at Single Index
popGet and Remove Element
renameRename Elements Safely
replaceReplace Values in Containers Safely
replace_atReplace Values at Indices Safely
revReverse Elements
rotateRotate Elements
SetSet Class
SetS3Set and ordered Set
unpackUnpack Nested Objects
updateUpdate Object with Elements from Another Object
container documentation built on Dec. 11, 2022, 5:19 p.m.