Man pages for convevol
Analysis of Convergent Evolution

calcConvQuantifies convergent evolution by the ratio of the current...
calcConvCtComputes Ct-metric scores for putatively convergent tips (or...
calcCsCalculates the C1-C4 measures of convergent evolution between...
calcCsCtComputes Ct values for a pair of tips. Internal, called in...
convnumQuantify convergence by the number of convergent events
convnumsigAssess the significance of convergent evolution using...
convSigUses simulations to assess the significance of C1-C4 measures...
convSigCtComputes and conducts significance tests on Ct-metric scores...
multiancReconstructs ancestral states for multiple characters
plotCtPlots calcConv or convSig output.
plotellipsePlots an ellipse
pullNodeSeqExtracts a vector of ancestors for a given taxon. Code...
convevol documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.