Man pages for convoSPAT
Convolution-Based Nonstationary Spatial Modeling

Aniso_fitFit the stationary spatial model
cov_spatialCalculate spatial covariance.
evaluate_CVEvaluation criteria
f_mc_kernelsCalculate mixture component kernel matrices.
kernel_covCalculate a kernel covariance matrix.
make_global_loglik1Constructor functions for global parameter estimation.
make_global_loglik1_kappaConstructor functions for global parameter estimation.
make_global_loglik2Constructor functions for global parameter estimation.
make_global_loglik2_kappaConstructor functions for global parameter estimation.
make_global_loglik3Constructor functions for global parameter estimation.
make_global_loglik3_kappaConstructor functions for global parameter estimation.
make_global_loglik4_kappaConstructor functions for global parameter estimation.
make_local_likConstructor functions for local parameter estimation.
mc_NCalculate local sample sizes.
NSconvo_fitFit the nonstationary spatial model
NSconvo_simSimulate data from the nonstationary model.
plot.AnisoPlot of the estimated correlations from the stationary model.
plot.NSconvoPlot from the nonstationary model.
predict.AnisoObtain predictions at unobserved locations for the stationary...
predict.NSconvoObtain predictions at unobserved locations for the...
simdataSimulated nonstationary dataset
summary.AnisoSummarize the stationary model fit.
summary.NSconvoSummarize the nonstationary model fit. component grids for the western United States
USprecip97Annual precipitation measurements from the western United...
US.prediction.locsPrediction locations for the western United States
convoSPAT documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:31 p.m.