
context('Color legend')

# suppress generating any PDFs

test_that('Basic usage of colorlegend', {
  plot(0, type = 'n')
  colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, align = 'r')
  colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, align = 'l', vertical = FALSE)
  colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, align = 'r', vertical = FALSE)

test_that('Calling colorlegend without first calling plot should fail', {
  if (length(dev.list()) != 0) {
  expect_error(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9),
               regexp = 'plot.new has not been called yet')

test_that('Issues #64, #66: lim.segment in function colorlegend()', {
  plot(0, type = 'n')

  expect_error(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = 1),
               regexp = 'should be a vector of length 2')

  expect_error(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = c(1, 2, 3)),
               regexp = 'should be a vector of length 2')

  # lim.segment[1] >= 0
  expect_error(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = c(-0.1, 0)),
               regexp = 'should be between 0 and 1')

  # lim.segment[2] <= 1
  expect_error(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = c(0, 1.1)),
               regexp = 'should be between 0 and 1')

  # automatic lim.segment
  expect_silent(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = NULL))

  # Issue #66: more intuitive value for automatic lim.segment
  expect_silent(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = 'auto'))
  expect_error(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = 'otherstring'),
               regexp = 'should be a vector of length 2')

  colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:9, lim.segment = c(0, 1), align ='l')

test_that('Parameter `at` should be between 0 and 1', {
  plot(0, type = 'n')

  expect_error(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:2, at = c(-1, 0.5, 0.8)),
               regexp = 'should be between 0 and 1')

  expect_silent(colorlegend(rainbow(100), 0:2, at = c(0, 0.5, 0.8)))

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corrplot documentation built on Nov. 18, 2021, 5:06 p.m.