Man pages for countTransformers
Transform Counts in RNA-Seq Data Analysis

esA Simulated Data Set
getJaccardCalculate Jaccard Index for Two Binary Vectors
l2TransformerLog Based Count Transformation Minimizing Sum of...
lTransformerLog-based transformation
lv2TransformerLog and VOOM Based Count Transformation Minimizing Sum of...
lvTransformerLog and VOOM Transformation
r2TransformerRoot Based Count Transformation Minimizing Sum of...
rTransformerRoot Based Transformation
rv2TransformerRoot and VOOM Based Count Transformation Minimizing Sum of...
rvTransformerRoot and VOOM Transformation
wilcoxWrapperWrapper Function for Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
countTransformers documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:59 p.m.