Man pages for countyweather
Compiles Meterological Data for U.S. Counties

ave_dailyAverage daily weather data across multiple stations.
ave_hourlyAverage hourly weather data across multiple stations.
county_centersCounty latitude and longitude designations.
county_radiusCounty land area data.
daily_dfReturn average daily weather data for a particular county.
daily_fipsPull average daily weather data by U.S. county.
daily_stationmapPlot daily weather stations for a particular county.
daily_stationsNOAA NCDC station IDs per county.
filter_coverageFilter stations based on "coverage" requirements.
filter_hourlyFilter NOAA ISD stations based on "coverage" requirements,...
hourly_dfReturn average hourly weather data for a particular county.
hourly_fipsReturn average hourly weather data and a plot showing the...
hourly_stationmapPlot hourly weather stations for a particular county.
int_surface_dataGet hourly data for a single monitor.
isd_fips_stationsGet station list for a particular U.S. county.
isd_monitors_dataPull hourly data for multiple monitors.
plot_daily_timeseriesWrite plot files for daily weather timeseries dataframes.
plot_hourly_timeseriesWrite plot files for hourly weather time series dataframes.
write_daily_timeseriesWrite daily weather timeseries files for U.S. counties.
write_hourly_timeseriesWrite hourly weather time series files for U.S. counties.
countyweather documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:35 p.m.