Man pages for coxphw
Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression

biofeedbackBiofeedback Treatment Data
coef.coxphwExtract Model Coefficients for Objects of Class 'coxphw'
concordCompute Generalized Concordance Probabilities for Objects of...
confint.coxphwConfidence Intervals for Model Parameters
coxphwWeighted Estimation in Cox Regression
coxphw.controlAncillary arguments for controlling coxphw fits
coxphw-packageWeighted Estimation in Cox Regression
fp.powerProvides Fractional Polynomials as Accessible Function
gastricGastric Cancer Data
plot.coxphwPlot Weights of Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression
plot.coxphw.predictPlot the Relative or Log Relative Hazard Versus Values of a...
predict.coxphwPredictions for a weighted Cox model
print.coxphwPrint Method for Objects of Class 'coxphw'
print.coxphw.predictPrint Method for Objects of Class 'predict.coxphw'
PTPretransformation function
summary.coxphwSummary Method for Objects of Class 'coxphw'
vcov.coxphwObtain the Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model...
waldWald-Test for Model Coefficients
coxphw documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:18 a.m.