
Defines functions cppalgB cpptraffic cppaonC cppaon cppaddC cppdistaddC cppdistadd cpppadd cpppathmatC cppdistmatC cpppathC cppdistC cppcontract cppsimplify cpppathmat cppdistmat cpppath cppdist

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# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

cppdist <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppdist`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, algo)

cpppath <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, lat, lon, k, dict, keep, dep, arr, lim, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cpppath`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, lat, lon, k, dict, keep, dep, arr, lim, algo)

cppdistmat <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, dep, arr) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppdistmat`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, dep, arr)

cpppathmat <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, dict, keep, dep, arr, lim, setdif, algo, reverse) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cpppathmat`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, dict, keep, dep, arr, lim, setdif, algo, reverse)

cppsimplify <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, keep, rm_loop, iterate, progress) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppsimplify`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, keep, rm_loop, iterate, progress)

cppcontract <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, NbNodes, display_progress) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppcontract`, gfrom, gto, gw, NbNodes, display_progress)

cppdistC <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppdistC`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo)

cpppathC <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dict, keep, dep, arr, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cpppathC`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dict, keep, dep, arr, algo)

cppdistmatC <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppdistmatC`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo)

cpppathmatC <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dict, keep, dep, arr) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cpppathmatC`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dict, keep, dep, arr)

cpppadd <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, gadd, nb, dep, arr) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cpppadd`, gfrom, gto, gw, gadd, nb, dep, arr)

cppdistadd <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, gadd, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppdistadd`, gfrom, gto, gw, gadd, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, algo)

cppdistaddC <- function(orfrom, orto, orw, gadd, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppdistaddC`, orfrom, orto, orw, gadd, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo)

cppaddC <- function(orfrom, orto, orw, gadd, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppaddC`, orfrom, orto, orw, gadd, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, algo)

cppaon <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, dem, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppaon`, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, dem, algo)

cppaonC <- function(orfrom, orto, orw, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, dem, algo) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppaonC`, orfrom, orto, orw, gfrom, gto, gw, nb, rank, shortf, shortt, shortc, phast, dep, arr, dem, algo)

cpptraffic <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, gflow, gaux, gftt, galpha, gbeta, gcap, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, dem, max_gap, max_it, method, aon_method, contract, phast, verbose) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cpptraffic`, gfrom, gto, gw, gflow, gaux, gftt, galpha, gbeta, gcap, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, dem, max_gap, max_it, method, aon_method, contract, phast, verbose)

cppalgB <- function(gfrom, gto, gw, gflow, gaux, gftt, galpha, gbeta, gcap, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, dem, max_gap, max_it, aon_method, batch_size, n_batch, file_path, inner_iter, NUM_TOL, contract, phast, verbose) {
    .Call(`_cppRouting_cppalgB`, gfrom, gto, gw, gflow, gaux, gftt, galpha, gbeta, gcap, nb, lat, lon, k, dep, arr, dem, max_gap, max_it, aon_method, batch_size, n_batch, file_path, inner_iter, NUM_TOL, contract, phast, verbose)

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cppRouting documentation built on Dec. 1, 2022, 5:08 p.m.