Man pages for crackR
Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis for fatigue cracking of metallic aerospace structures

analyzePerform a probabilistic damage tolerance analysis on a crackR...
analyzeParallelPerform multiple parallel runs of a probabilistic damage...
calcIntervalAdvance crackR object to the next scheduled inspection
calcSfpofFromPofIntCalculate SFPOF results from interval failure probabilities
cp4Examples CP4, CP6, and CP7, adapted from PRobability Of...
crackRcalcSfpofMcCalculates SFPOF by post-processing an explicit Monte Carlo...
crackRinitInitializes a crackR object (of class Sing, Mult, or CD) from...
crackRmcPerforms a probabilistic damage tolerance analysis using...
crackR-packageProbabilistic damage tolerance analysis for fatigue cracking...
inspectionPredict the results of a future scheduled inspection and...
lognormalPODDefine Probability Of Detection (POD) curve for...
plot.SingPlotting methods for various crackR objects
print.SingPrinting methods for various crackR objects
crackR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 8:45 p.m.