crayon: Colored terminal output

crayonR Documentation

Colored terminal output


With crayon it is easy to add color to terminal output, create styles for notes, warnings, errors; and combine styles.


## Simple styles
# ...

## See more styling below



Strings to style.


ANSI color support is automatically detected and used. Crayon was largely inspired by chalk

Crayon defines several styles, that can be combined. Each style in the list has a corresponding function with the same name.

Genaral styles

  • reset

  • bold

  • blurred (usually called ‘dim’, renamed to avoid name clash)

  • italic (not widely supported)

  • underline

  • inverse

  • hidden

  • strikethrough (not widely supported)

Text colors

  • black

  • red

  • green

  • yellow

  • blue

  • magenta

  • cyan

  • white

  • silver (usually called ‘gray’, renamed to avoid name clash)

Background colors

  • bgBlack

  • bgRed

  • bgGreen

  • bgYellow

  • bgBlue

  • bgMagenta

  • bgCyan

  • bgWhite


The styling functions take any number of character vectors as arguments, and they concatenate and style them:

  cat(blue("Hello", "world!\n"))

Crayon defines the %+% string concatenation operator, to make it easy to assemble stings with different styles.

  cat("... to highlight the " %+% red("search term") %+%
      " in a block of text\n")

Styles can be combined using the $ operator:

  cat(yellow$bgMagenta$bold('Hello world!\n'))

See also combine_styles().

Styles can also be nested, and then inner style takes precedence:

    'I am a green line ' %+%
    blue$underline$bold('with a blue substring') %+%
    ' that becomes green again!\n'

It is easy to define your own themes:

  error <- red $ bold
  warn <- magenta $ underline
  note <- cyan
  cat(error("Error: subscript out of bounds!\n"))
  cat(warn("Warning: shorter argument was recycled.\n"))
  cat(note("Note: no such directory.\n"))


Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi

Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

make_style() for using the 256 ANSI colors.


cat(blue("Hello", "world!"))

cat("... to highlight the " %+% red("search term") %+%
    " in a block of text")

cat(yellow$bgMagenta$bold('Hello world!'))

 'I am a green line ' %+%
 blue$underline$bold('with a blue substring') %+%
 ' that becomes green again!'

error <- red $ bold
warn <- magenta $ underline
note <- cyan
cat(error("Error: subscript out of bounds!\n"))
cat(warn("Warning: shorter argument was recycled.\n"))
cat(note("Note: no such directory.\n"))

crayon documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:39 a.m.