
Defines functions message set_github_pat

Documented in set_github_pat

#' Set your Github Personal Access Token
#' Populates the `GITHUB_PAT` environment variable using the [git_credential][http_credentials]
#' manager, which `git` itself uses for storing passwords. The credential manager
#' returns stored credentials if available, and securely prompt the user for
#' credentials when needed.
#' Packages that require a `GITHUB_PAT` can call this function to automatically
#' set the `GITHUB_PAT` when needed. Users may call this function in their
#' [.Rprofile][Startup] script to automatically set `GITHUB_PAT` for each R
#' session without hardcoding any tokens on disk in plain-text.
#' @export
#' @param force_new forget existing pat, always ask for new one.
#' @param validate checks with the github API that this token works. Defaults to
#' `TRUE` only in an interactive R session (not when running e.g. CMD check).
#' @param verbose prints a message showing the credential helper and PAT owner.
#' @return Returns `TRUE` if a valid GITHUB_PAT was set, and FALSE if not.
set_github_pat <- function(force_new = FALSE, validate = interactive(), verbose = validate){
  pat_user <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT_USER", 'PersonalAccessToken')
  pat_url <- sprintf('https://%s@github.com', pat_user)
    message("If prompted for GitHub credentials, enter your PAT in the password field")
  askpass <- Sys.getenv('GIT_ASKPASS')
    # Hack to override prompt sentence to say "Token" instead of "Password"
    Sys.setenv(GIT_ASKTOKEN = askpass)
    Sys.setenv(GIT_ASKPASS = system.file('ask_token.sh', package = 'credentials', mustWork = TRUE))
    Sys.setenv(GIT_ASKTOKEN_NAME = 'Personal Access Token (PAT)')
    on.exit(Sys.setenv(GIT_ASKPASS = askpass), add = TRUE)
    on.exit(Sys.unsetenv('GIT_ASKTOKEN_NAME'), add = TRUE)
    on.exit(Sys.unsetenv('GIT_ASKTOKEN'), add = TRUE)
  for(i in 1:3){
    # The username doesn't have to be real, Github seems to ignore username for PATs
    cred <- git_credential_ask(pat_url, verbose = verbose)
      if(nchar(cred$password) < 40){
        message("Please enter a token in the password field, not your master password! Let's try again :-)")
        message("To generate a new token, visit: https://github.com/settings/tokens")
      if(isTRUE(validate)) {
        hx <- curl::handle_setheaders(curl::new_handle(), Authorization = paste("token", cred$password))
        req <- curl::curl_fetch_memory("https://api.github.com/user", handle = hx)
        if(req$status_code >= 400){
          message("Authentication failed. Token invalid.")
        if(verbose == TRUE){
          data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(req$content))
          helper <- tryCatch(credential_helper_get()[1], error = function(e){"??"})
          message(sprintf("Using GITHUB_PAT from %s (credential helper: %s)", data$name, helper))
      return(Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = cred$password))
  if(verbose == TRUE){
    message("Failed to find a valid GITHUB_PAT after 3 attempts")

message <- function(...){

Try the credentials package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

credentials documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:08 p.m.