solve_lessAOA: Determines the solution using the LESS method. Relationships...

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solve_lessAOAR Documentation

Determines the solution using the LESS method. Relationships between activities can be given as a list of predecessors or start and end node numbers.


Determines the solution using the LESS method. Relationships between activities can be given as a list of predecessors or start and end node numbers.


solve_lessAOA(input_data, ICconst, ICslope, predecessors = FALSE)



Data frame containing the graph structure and activity durations. For the LESS method and start/end nodes you need 7 columns (the order matters):

  1. from The number of the node where the activity starts.

  2. to The number of the node where the activity ends.

  3. label Activity labels.

  4. time Normal duration of activities.

  5. crash_time Crash (the shortest possible) duration of activities.

  6. norm_cost Normal costs.

  7. crash_cost Crash costs.

For the LESS method and predecessors list you need 6 columns (the order matters):

  1. label Activity labels.

  2. pred List of predecessors.

  3. time Normal duration of activities.

  4. crash_time Crash (the shortest possible) duration of activities.

  5. norm_cost Normal costs.

  6. crash_cost Crash costs.


Intercept of the indirect cost function.


Slope of the indirect cost function.


TRUE if the user data contains a list of immediately preceding activities If set to FALSE (default), start nad end nodes are used. If is set to TRUE, predecessors list is used.


A list made of a graph and a result set.


z <-  solve_lessAOA(lessexample1, 50, 15)

critpath documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:13 a.m.