auth: Crossref TDM authentication

Description Authentication IP addresses Fences HELP!


Crossref TDM authentication


There's a set of publishers that are involved in the Crossref Text and Data Mining (TDM) program (, which means essentially the publishers deposit URLs for fulltext in Crossref metadata.

Authentication is applicable only when the publisher you want to get fulltext from requires it. OA publishers shouldn't need it as you'd expect. There's many publishers that don't share links at all, so they are irrelevant here.

For publishers that required authentication, the Crossref TDM program allows for a single token to authenticate across publishers (to make it easier for text miners). The publishers involved with the authentication scheme are really only Elsevier and Wiley.

There's a how to guide for Crossref TDM at Get your Crossref TDM token by registering at Save the token in your .Renviron file with a new row like CROSSREF_TDM=your key. We will read that key in for you - it's best this way rather than passing in a key via a parameter - since you might put that code up on the web somewhere and someone could use your key.

IP addresses

If you don't know what IP addresses are, check out At least Elsevier and I think Wiley also check your IP address in addition to requiring the authentication token. Usually your're good if you're physically at the institution that has access to the publishers content OR on a VPN (i.e., pretending you're there).

If you forget about this, you'll get errors about not being authorized. So check and make sure you're on a VPN if you're not physically located at your institution.


There's yet another issue to worry about. At least with Elsevier, they have a so-called "fence" - that is, even if an institution has access to Elsevier content, Elsevier doesn't necessarily have the fence turned off - if its not off, you can't get through - if it's off, you can. If you have the right token and you are sure you're on the right IP address, this could be the problem for your lack of access.


If you're having trouble with any of this, get in touch with the package maintainer.

crminer documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:11 a.m.