Man pages for crmn
CCMN and Other Normalization Methods for Metabolomics Data

analytesAccessor for the analytes
analytes_esetAccessor for the analytes
analytes_otherAccessor for the analytes
dropunusedlevelsDrop unused levels
makeX-methodsMake X
method-methodsAccessor for the method
mexprs-methodsMatrix safe accessor of expression slot
mixDilution mixture dataset.
model-methodsAccessor for the model
nFitNormalization model
normalizeNormalize a metabolomics dataset
normFitFit a normalization model
normPredPredict for normalization
pcaMuffleMuffle the pca function
plot.nFitPlot a statistics for CRMN normalization model
sFit-methodAccessor for the standards model
showShow method for nFit
show_nfitShow nfit
standardsAccessor for the Internal Standards
standards_esetAccessor for the Internal Standards
standardsFitStandards model
standards_otherAccessor for the Internal Standards
standardsPredPredict effect for new data (or get fitted data)
weightnormNormalize by sample weight
crmn documentation built on March 26, 2020, 8:35 p.m.