Man pages for crossdes
Construction of Crossover Designs

allcombsBalanced Row-Column Design with all Possible Treatment Orders
balmin.RMDFunction to construct the balanced minimal repeated...
biertest.d4Experimental Design for the Beer Testing Data in Kunert...
biertest.datThe Beer Testing Data in Kunert (1998)
biertest.f2Experimental Design for the Beer Testing Data in Kunert...
crossdes-internalInternal Functions in crossdes
crossdes-packageDesign and Analysis of dose-finding studies
des.MOLSConstruction of Designs Based on Mutually Orthogonal Latin...
find.BIBGeneration of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs Using the...
get.planMenu-Driven Construction of Carryover Balanced Experimental...
isCbalancedChecking Block Designs for Carryover Balance
isGYDChecking Simple Block and Row-Column Designs for Balance
MOLSConstruction of Complete Sets of Mutually Orthogonal Latin...
williamsConstruction of Williams Designs
williams.BIBConstruction of Carryover Balanced Designs Based on Balanced...
crossdes documentation built on April 5, 2022, 1:14 a.m.