
Defines functions guess_crs

Documented in guess_crs

#' Guess the CRS of a dataset that is missing CRS information
#' This function will "guess" possible coordinate reference systems for spatial data that are
#' lacking a CRS definition.  Input data, which must be of class \code{"sf"}
#' (or which can be converted to sf) might be objects
#' created from CSV files that use projected coordinates or objects created from shapefiles
#' loaded with \code{sf::st_read()} that are missing .prj files.  The function requires a
#' "target location" that the user knows to be within the general area of the input dataset.  It
#' then identifies suitable coordinate reference systems for that area and "tests out"
#' those CRSs for the input data by analyzing the distance between the dataset and the known location
#' when that CRS is used.  Those distances are returned by the function in a column \code{dist_km};
#' short distances represent better guesses for the CRS whereas longer distances suggest that
#' the CRS wouldn't work.
#' @param input A spatial dataset of class \code{"sf"}, \code{"Spatial*"},
#'                 \code{"RasterLayer"}, \code{"SpatVector"}, or \code{"SpatRaster"}
#'                 in a projected coordinate reference system that is
#'                 missing CRS information. For example, you may have loaded in a shapefile without
#'                 a .prj file, or your input data has no CRS definition attached.
#' @param target_location A coordinate pair of form \code{c(longitude, latitude)}
#'                        or an address/location that you know is located within your
#'                        input sf object.  If the mapboxapi package is installed, you can
#'                        supply a location name (e.g. an address or a city) instead of a
#'                        coordinate pair.
#' @param units If known, the units of your projected coordinate system (e.g. \code{"m"} for
#'              meters or \code{"us-ft"} for US feet).  This is not required but will make
#'              the guesses more accurate.
#' @param n_return The number of possible CRS choices to return; defaults to 10. A higher
#'                 number than that may include CRS options that are unlikely to work with
#'                 your data. Use the returned \code{dist_km} column to judge whether the CRS
#'                 guess makes sense for your data.
#' @param input_sf Deprecated; use \code{input} instead.
#' @return A tibble of CRS guesses for your data, sorted in ascending order of distance between
#'         your target location and the input sf object's centroid when in that CRS.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(crsuggest)
#' library(sf)
#' # An example data frame of projected coordinates with no CRS information included
#' locations <- data.frame(
#'   X = c(2312654.74514528, 2357493.02092003, 2398978.30047505, 2344378.47525209,
#'         2475776.26735713, 2493751.94421798, 2456797.1698781, 2448392.13089886,
#'         2319704.35367616, 2350119.25250331, 2449088.54659236, 2423774.3668849),
#'   Y = c(6966055.04531077, 6994256.06222144, 6951975.79788762, 6902972.35980149,
#'         6918178.81070276, 6977643.56941746, 7053989.26343385, 7024543.36487243,
#'         7015476.52061313, 6953350.28550116, 6945011.24615857, 6912284.16691977),
#'   id = 1:12
#' )
#' # Create an sf object but the CRS is not known
#' locations_sf <- st_as_sf(locations, coords = c("X", "Y"))
#' # Use `guess_crs()` to guess the CRS used for the coordinates along with a known coordinate
#' # in the area of interest
#' guesses <- guess_crs(locations_sf, target_location = c(-97.1071, 32.7356))
#' # Set the CRS of your data with the "best guess"
#' st_crs(locations_sf) <- 6584
#' }
guess_crs <- function(input, target_location, units = NULL,
                      n_return = 10, input_sf = NULL) {

  # Note that the `input_sf` argument is deprecated
  if (!is.null(input_sf)) {
    stop("The `input_sf` argument has been renamed to `input`, please adjust your code accordingly and re-run.", call. = FALSE)

  # If the data already has a CRS, you don't need this function!
  if (!is.na(sf::st_crs(input)$epsg)) {
    stop("Your data already has a CRS set; perhaps you want `crsuggest::suggest_crs()` instead.",
         call. = FALSE)

  # Store the original input for later
  original_input <- input

  # If mapboxapi is installed, geocode the address
  if (is.character(target_location)) {

    check_mapbox <- try(find.package("mapboxapi"), silent = TRUE)

    if ("try-error" %in% class(check_mapbox)) {
      stop("The mapboxapi package is used for geocoding functionality; please install and set up mapboxapi or supply a coordinate pair instead.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      target_coords <- mapboxapi::mb_geocode(target_location)
  } else if (is.numeric(target_location)) {
    if (length(target_location) != 2) {
      stop("Please supply a length-2 vector representing the coordinates of format `c(lon, lat)`.",
           call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      target_coords <- target_location

  # Make an sf object from the target coordinates
  target_sf <- target_coords %>%
    st_point() %>%
    st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>%

  # Get a list of suggested CRSs for that location, optionally by units of measurement
  # if known
  crs_options <- crsuggest::suggest_crs(target_sf, limit = 50, units = units) %>%

  # If the input object is not sf but of another spatial class, convert it
  # If the input is a raster layer or a terra object, convert to a polygon at the
  # extent of that layer
  if (inherits(input, "RasterLayer") || inherits(input, "SpatRaster") || inherits(input, "SpatVector")) {

    input <- input %>%
      st_bbox() %>%

  # If object is from the sp package, convert to sf
  if (any(grepl("Spatial", class(input)))) {
    input <- st_as_sf(input)

  # If it is a simple feature collection, make into sf
  if (inherits(input, "sfc")) {
    input <- st_sf(input)

  # We now need to get the centroid of the input sf object with no CRS
  no_crs_centroid <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(st_centroid(st_union(input))))

  # We now iterate through the suggested CRS options and see if they work
  # To do this, calculate the distance between the target sf and the centroid,
  # with the CRS set
  codes <- crs_options$crs_code

  message("Evaluating CRS options...")
  dist_df <- purrr::map_df(codes, ~{
    target_sf_transformed <- sf::st_transform(target_sf, as.integer(.x))
    centroid_with_crs <- sf::st_set_crs(no_crs_centroid, as.integer(.x))

    dist <- sf::st_distance(target_sf_transformed, centroid_with_crs) %>%
      units::set_units("km") %>%

    dplyr::tibble(crs_code = .x, dist_km = dist)
  }) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(dist_km, dplyr::desc(crs_code)) %>%
    dplyr::slice_min(dist_km, n = n_return)

  top_crs <- dist_df$crs_code[1]

  # Give an informative message based on the original type
  if (inherits(original_input, "sf") || inherits(original_input, "sfc")) {
    message(sprintf("The 'best guess' for the CRS of your data is EPSG code %s.\nUse `sf::st_crs(your_data) <- %s` to use this CRS for your data.\nView the returned dataset for other possible options.", top_crs, top_crs))
  } else if (inherits(original_input, "SpatRaster") || inherits(original_input, "SpatVector")) {
    message(sprintf("The 'best guess' for the CRS of your data is EPSG code %s.\nUse `terra::crs(your_data) <- 'EPSG:%s'` to use this CRS for your data.\nView the returned dataset for other possible options.", top_crs, top_crs))
  } else if (any(grepl("Spatial", class(original_input)))) {
    message(sprintf("The 'best guess' for the CRS of your data is EPSG code %s.\nUse `proj4string(your_data) <- 'CRS('+init=epsg:%s')` to use this CRS for your data.\nView the returned dataset for other possible options.", top_crs, top_crs))
  } else if (inherits(original_input, "RasterLayer")) {
    message(sprintf("The 'best guess' for the CRS of your data is EPSG code %s.\nUse `raster::crs(your_data) <- %s` to use this CRS for your data.\nView the returned dataset for other possible options.", top_crs, top_crs))



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crsuggest documentation built on July 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.