makeDimTransform: Helper for creating slide dimension transformations for...

View source: R/dimension-transforms.R

makeDimTransformR Documentation

Helper for creating slide dimension transformations for dashboards and exports


When displayed in a Crunch Dashboard or exported, crunch slides can have transformations that customize their display. This is a helper to form the correct data structure for the functions newSlide() for setting the transformation directly. For more details see the API documentation


  colors = NULL,
  hide = NULL,
  rename = NULL,
  order = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,



A crunch AnalyticPalettes (palettes()) or a vector of color RGB hex color codes that will be used for the color of graphs in the dashboard (used in the order of appearance of categories/subvariables).


A vector of category names/ids or subvariable names/aliases to hide from display


A named vector of category names/ids or subvariable names/aliases to override their default values


A vector of category names/ids or subvariable names/aliases to override the default ordering of the dimension.


A name for the dimension, overrides the variable's name


A description for the dimension, overrides the variable's description


Other arguments, passed directly to the API for future expansion


## Not run: 
# Hiding an element
transforms(slide) <- list(rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(hide = "Neutral"))

# Using an existing saved palette
transforms(slide) <- list(rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(
    colors = defaultPalette(ds)

# Setting specific colors
transform(slide) <- list(rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(
     colors = c("#af8dc3", "#f7f7f7", "#7fbf7b")

# Reordering & renaming elements
transforms(slide) <- list(
     rows_dimension = makeDimTransform(
         rename = c("V. Good" = "Very Good", "V. Bad" = "Very Bad"),
         order = 5:1
     columns_dimension = makeDimTransform(order = c("Brand X", "Brand A", "Brand B"))

## End(Not run)

crunch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.