Man pages for ctrdata
Retrieve and Analyze Clinical Trials in Public Registers

ctrdatactrdata: get started, database connection, function overview
ctrdata-registersctrdata: information on clinical trial registers
ctrDbCheck and prepare nodbi connection object for ctrdata
ctrFindActiveSubstanceSynonymsFind synonyms of an active substance
ctrGetQueryUrlGet query details
ctrLoadQueryIntoDbLoad and store register trial information
ctrOpenSearchPagesInBrowserOpen register to show query results or search page
dbFindFieldsFind names of fields in the database collection
dbFindIdsUniqueTrialsGet identifiers of deduplicated trial records
dbGetFieldsIntoDfCreate data frame of specified fields from database...
dbQueryHistoryShow history of queries loaded into a database collection
dfMergeVariablesRelevelMerge variables, keeping type, and optionally relevel factors
dfName2ValueGet value for variable of interest
dfTrials2LongConvert data frame with trial records into long format
ctrdata documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:39 a.m.