
##Use data cleaned version of the colon cancer data from the rstpm2 package
colonDC <- colonDC[sample(1:nrow(colonDC), 1000), ]

##Extract general population hazards
colonDC$bhaz <- general.haz(time = "FU", rmap = list(age = "agedays", sex = "sex", year= "dx"),
                            data = colonDC, ratetable =

##Spline-base cure model
#Fit cure model
fit <- rstpm2::stpm2(Surv(FUyear, status) ~ 1, data = colonDC,
                     df = 6, bhazard = colonDC$bhaz, cure = TRUE)

#Compute and plot the loss of lifetime function
res <- calc.LL(fit, time = seq(0, 20, length.out = 50),
               rmap = list(age = agedays, sex = sex, year = dx),
               var.type = "n")

#Compute and plot the mean residual lifetime
res <- calc.LL(fit, time = seq(0, 20, length.out = 50), type = "mrl",
               rmap = list(age = agedays, sex = sex, year = dx),
               var.type = "n")

#Simple parametric cure model
#Fit cure model
fit <- fit.cure.model(Surv(FUyear, status) ~ 1, data = colonDC, bhazard = "bhaz",
                      type = "mixture", dist = "weibull", link = "logit")

#Compute and plot the loss of lifetime function
res <- calc.LL(fit, time = seq(0, 20, length.out = 50),
               rmap = list(age = agedays, sex = sex, year = dx),
               var.type = "n")

#Compute and plot the mean residual lifetime
res <- calc.LL(fit, time = seq(0, 20, length.out = 50), type = "mrl",
               rmap = list(age = agedays, sex = sex, year = dx),
               var.type = "n")

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cuRe documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7 p.m.