
Defines functions validate_temporal_cubble validate_spatial_cubble new_temporal_cubble build_key_data new_spatial_cubble make_cubble cubble

Documented in cubble make_cubble

#' Create a cubble object
#' @param ... a set of name-value pairs to create a cubble, need to include the
#' `key`, `index`, and `coords` variables.
#' @param key a character (or symbol), the spatial identifier. See the Key
#' section in [tsibble::as_tsibble()]
#' @param index a character (or symbol), the temporal identifier.
#' Currently support base R classes \code{Date}, \code{POSIXlt},
#' \code{POSIXct} and tsibble's [tsibble::yearmonth()], [tsibble::yearweek()],
#' and [tsibble::yearquarter()] class. See the Index section in
#' [tsibble::as_tsibble()]
#' @param coords a vector of character (or symbol) of length two, in the order of
#' longitude first and then latitude, the argument can be omitted if created
#' from an sf and its subclasses. In case the sf geometry column is not POINT,
#' coords will be the centroid coordinates.
#' @param spatial a tibble object or an sf object, the spatial component
#' containing the `key` and `coords` variable (`coords` can be automatically
#' created from an `sf` object if not supplied).
#' @param temporal a tibble object or a tsibble object, the temporal component
#' containing the `key` and `index` variable.
#' @param by in the syntax of the \code{by} argument in [dplyr::left_join()],
#'  used in `make_cubble()` when the key variable has different names in the
#' `spatial` and `temporal` data.
#' @rdname cubble-class
#' @return a cubble object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cubble(
#'   id = rep(c("perth", "melbourne", "sydney"), each = 3),
#'   date = rep(as.Date("2020-01-01") + 0:2, times = 3),
#'   long = rep(c(115.86, 144.96, 151.21), each = 3),
#'   lat = rep(c(-31.95, -37.81, -33.87), each = 3),
#'   value = rnorm(n = 9),
#'   key = id, index = date, coords = c(long, lat)
#'   )
#' # stations and climate are in-built data in cubble
#' make_cubble(spatial = stations, temporal = meteo,
#'             key = id, index = date, coords = c(long, lat))
cubble <- function(..., key, index, coords) {
  data <- tibble::tibble(!!!list2(...))
  key <- enquo(key)
  index <- enquo(index)
  coords <- enquo(coords)
  coords <- names(data)[tidyselect::eval_select(coords, data)]

  all_vars <- find_invariant(data, !!key)
  data <- data %>% tidyr::nest(ts = c(!!index, !!!all_vars$variant))

    data, key = as_name(key), index = as_name(index), coords = coords)

#' @rdname cubble-class
#' @export
make_cubble <- function(spatial, temporal, by = NULL, key, index, coords){

  key <- enquo(key)
  index <- enquo(index)
  coords <- enquo(coords)

  if (quo_is_missing(key)){
    if (is_tsibble(temporal)){
      key <- key_vars(temporal)
    } else{
      cli::cli_abort("Please supply the {.code key} argument,
                     or a {.code tsibble} object as the temporal compoenent")

  if (quo_is_missing(index)){
    if (is_tsibble(temporal)){
      index <- index(temporal)
    } else{
      cli::cli_abort("Please supply the {.code index} argument,
                     or a {.code tsibble} object as the temporal compoenent")

  if (quo_is_missing(coords)){
    if (is_sf(spatial)){
      cc <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_centroid(spatial))
      colnames(cc) <-  if (sf::st_is_longlat(spatial))
        c("long", "lat")
        c("x", "y")
      spatial <- cbind(spatial, cc)
      coords <- colnames(cc)
    } else{
      "Please supply the {.code coords} argument in the syntax of
      {.code coords = c(LONG, LAT)}, or
      use an {.code sf} object as the spatial compoenent")
  } else{
    coords <- coords2strvec(coords)

  # find the common "key" column between spatial and temporal
  # if no shared, parse the `by` argument
  common_cols <- intersect(names(spatial), names(temporal))
  if (!is_null(by)) {
    if (by %in% names(temporal) && names(by) %in% names(spatial)) {
      # rename the common column to have the same name
      names(spatial)[names(spatial) == names(by)] <- by
  } else if (length(common_cols) != 0) {
    # use the first common column
    by <- intersect(names(spatial), names(temporal))[1]
  } else{
    cli::cli_abort("No shared column found.
    Please supply the shared key using the {.code by} argument")

  # find whether there are unmatched spatial and temporal key level
  slvl <- spatial[[by]]
  tlvl <- temporal[[by]]
  only_spatial <- setdiff(slvl, tlvl)
  only_temporal <- setdiff(tlvl, slvl)
  has_unmatch <- length(only_temporal) != 0 | length(only_spatial) != 0

  if (length(only_spatial) != 0) cli::cli_alert_warning(
    "Some sites in the spatial table don't have temporal information"

  if (length(only_temporal) != 0) cli::cli_alert_warning(
    "Some sites in the temporal table don't have spatial information"

  if (has_unmatch) cli::cli_alert_warning(
    'Use {.fn check_key} to check on the unmatched key
    The cubble is created only with sites having both spatial and
    temporal information'

  # only create when have both spatial & temporal info
  spatial <- spatial %>% filter(!by %in% only_spatial)

  if (is_sf(spatial)){
    # from discussion: https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/951
    # to ensure the sf is built from a tibble
    spatial <- spatial %>% as_tibble() %>% sf::st_as_sf()

  if (is_tsibble(temporal)){
    index <- temporal %@% "index"
  } else{
    index <- as_name(index)

  temporal <- temporal %>% filter(!by %in% only_temporal) %>%
    select(as_name(index), setdiff(colnames(temporal), as_name(index)))
  out <- suppressMessages(
    dplyr::inner_join(spatial, temporal %>% nest(ts = -by))

    out, key = by, index = index, coords = coords

cb_spatial_cls <- c("spatial_cubble_df", "cubble_df")
cb_temporal_cls <- c("temporal_cubble_df", "cubble_df")

new_spatial_cubble <- function(data,  ..., validate = TRUE, class = NULL){
  args <- list2(...)
  if (validate) validate_spatial_cubble(data, args)
  args$key <- build_key_data(data, args$key)
  out <- new_tibble(data, !!!args)
  class(out) <- c(cb_spatial_cls, setdiff(class(data), cb_spatial_cls))

build_key_data <- function(data, key){
  dplyr::group_data(dplyr::grouped_df(data, vars = key, drop = TRUE))

new_temporal_cubble <- function(data, ..., validate = TRUE, class = NULL){
  args <- list2(...)
  if (validate) validate_temporal_cubble(data, args)
  args$key <- build_key_data(data, args$key)
  out <- new_tibble(data, !!!args)
  class(out) <- c(cb_temporal_cls, setdiff(class(data), cb_temporal_cls))

validate_spatial_cubble <- function(data, args){

  # all the key values will be unique after nest()

  # check key present
  if (any(!args$key %in% colnames(data))){
    cli::cli_abort("The key variable is not present, please fix")

  # check on index
  x <- as_tibble(data)
  dup_index <- map_lgl(x[["ts"]], ~vec_duplicate_any(.x[[args$index]]))
  index_na <- map_lgl(x[["ts"]], ~any(is.na(.x[[args$index]])))

  if (any(dup_index)){
    where_dup <- which(dup_index, TRUE)
    cli::cli_abort("Duplicated index values found with {args$key}
                   = {x[[args$key]][where_dup]}, please fix.")

  if (any(index_na)){
    where_dup <- which(index_na, TRUE)
    cli::cli_abort("The index variable contains {.code NA}, please fix.")

  # check coords present
  if (any(!args$coords %in% colnames(data))){
      "At least one of the coordinate columns not present, please fix")


validate_temporal_cubble <- function(data, args){

  if (any(!args$key %in% colnames(data))){
    cli::cli_abort("The key variable is not present, please fix")

  x <- as_tibble(data)
  dup_index <- split(x, x[[args$key]]) %>%
  index_na <- any(is.na(x[[args$index]]))

  if (any(dup_index)){
    where_dup <- which(dup_index, TRUE)
      "Duplicated index values found with {args$key} =
      {x[[args$key]][where_dup]}, please fix.")

  if (any(index_na)){
    where_dup <- which(index_na, TRUE)
    cli::cli_abort("The index variable contains {.code NA}, please fix.")


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cubble documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:19 p.m.