
context("Certificate validation")

# This tests TLS 1.2
test_that("CloudFlare / LetsEncrypt certs", {
  expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory('https://www.opencpu.org')$status_code, 200)
  expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory('https://letsencrypt.org')$status_code, 200)

  # Test HTTP -> HTTPS (TLS 1.2) redirection
  expect_equal(curl_fetch_memory('http://curl.se')$status_code, 200)

test_that("Invalid domain raises an error", {
  ipaddr <- nslookup("www.google.com", ipv4_only = TRUE)
  fake_url <- paste0("https://", ipaddr)
  expect_error(curl_fetch_memory(fake_url), "certificate")
  expect_is(curl_fetch_memory(fake_url, handle = new_handle(
    ssl_verifyhost = FALSE, ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))$status, "integer")

test_that("GC works", {
  expect_equal(total_handles(), 0L)

Try the curl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

curl documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:29 a.m.