Man pages for cvxbiclustr
Convex Biclustering Algorithm

biclust_smoothBicluster Smooth
cobraConvex Biclustering Algorithm
cobra_internalConvex Biclustering via Dykstra-like Proximal Algorithm
cobra_podMM algorithm for Convex Biclustering with Missing Data
cobra_validatePerform validation to select regularization parameter
compactify_edgesConstruct indices matrices
convertConvert weights, as COO matrix, to CSC matrix and weights...
create_adjacencyCreate adjacency matrix from V
create_edge_incidenceEdge-Incidence Matrix of Weights Graph
find_clustersFind clusters
get_subgroup_meansGet Subgroup Means
get_subgroup_means_fullGet Subgroup Means
get_validationSelect Validation Set for a Matrix
gkn_weightsGaussian Kernel + k-Nearest Neighbor Weights
kernel_weightsCompute Gaussian Kernel Weights
knn_weights"Thin" a weight vector to be positive only for its k-nearest...
lungLung cancer data
weights_graphWeights Graph Adjacency Matrix
cvxbiclustr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:34 a.m.