astroC: Astronomical constants

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Astronomical constants


cJDJ2000 = 2451545.0 , Julian day number of the epoch J2000.0
cDAYPJULCENT = 36525.0 , days per julian century
cDAYPYEARTROP = 365.242198781 , days per tropical year
cDAYPYEARSID = 365.25636042 , days per sidereal year
cDAYPMONSYN = 29.53058868 , days per synodical month
cDAYPMONSID = 27.321655 , days per sidereal month
cK = 0.01720209895 , Gravitational constant, GAUSSian defintion
cC = 299792458.0 , [m/s] defined speed of light
cRE = 6378140.0 , [m] radius of earth.s equator
cMY = 0.01230002 , ratio mass of moon/mass of earth
cPRECESS = 5029.0966 , [arc sec] precession per year at 2000.0
cEPSOBL23.43929111 , [deg] inclination of ecliptic at 2000.0
cAE = 1.49597870E11 , [m] distance Earth to Sun
cSBYE = 332946.0 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Earth
cSBYEMY = 328900.5 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of, Earth+Moon
cSBYME = 6023600.0 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Mercury
cSBYVE = 408523.5 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Venus
cSBYMA = 3098710.0 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Mars
cSBYJU = 1047.355 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Jupiter
cSBYSA = 3498.5 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Saturn
cSBYUR = 22869.0 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Uranus
cSBYNE = 19314.0 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Neptun
cSBYPL = 130000000.0 , ratio mass of Sun/mass of Pluto
cSOLBYSID = 1.00273790934 , ratio solar/sidereal day
cSIDBYSOL = 0.99726956634 , ratio sidereal/solar day
DPY = cDAYPJULCENT/100.0; days/jul.Jahr
DAYINMONTH = c(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,31)


Christian W. Hoffmann <>

cwhmisc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:55 p.m.