Man pages for dae
Functions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments

ABC.Interact.datRandomly generated set of values indexed by three factors a pstructure.object to a data.frame.
as.numfacConvert a factor to a numeric vector
BIBDWheat.datData for a balanced incomplete block experiment
blockboundaryPlotThis function plots a block boundary on a plot produced by...
Cabinet1.desA design for one of the growth cabinets in an experiment with...
Casuarina.datData for an experiment with rows and columns from Williams...
correct.degfreeCheck the degrees of freedom in an object of class projector
dae-deprecatedDeprecated Functions in Package dae
dae-packageFunctions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments
daeTipsThe intermittent, randomly-presented, startup tips.
decomp.relateExamines the relationship between the eigenvectors for two...
degfreeDegrees of freedom extraction and replacement
designAmeasuresCalculates the average variance of pairwise differences from...
designAnatomyGiven the layout for a design, obtain its anatomy via the...
designBlocksGGPlotAdds block boundaries to a plot produced by 'designGGPlot'.
designGGPlotPlots labels on two-way grids of coloured cells using...
designLatinSqrSysGenerate a systematic plan for a Latin Square design
designPlotA graphical representation of an experimental design using...
designPlotlabelsPlots labels on a two-way grid using 'ggplot2'
designRandomizeRandomize allocated to recipient factors to produce a layout...
designTwoPhaseAnatomiesGiven the layout for a design and three structure formulae,...
detect.diffComputes the detectable difference for an experiment
efficienciesExtracts the canonical efficiency factors from a...
efficiency.criteriaComputes efficiency criteria from a set of efficiency factors
elementsExtract the elements of an array specified by the subscripts
Exp249.munit.desSystematic, main-unit design for an experiment to be run in a...
extabExpands the values in table to a vector
Fac4Proc.datData for a 2^4 factorial experiment
fac.ar1matforms the ar1 correlation matrix for a (generalized) factor
fac.combineCombines several factors into one
fac.divideDivides a factor into several separate factors
fac.genGenerate all combinations of several factors and, optionally,...
fac.genfactorsGenerate all combinations of the levels of the supplied...
fac.matchMatch, for each combination of a set of columns in 'x', the...
fac.meanopcomputes the projection matrix that produces means
fac.multinestedCreates several factors, one for each level of nesting.fac...
fac.nestedcreates a factor, the nested factor, whose values are...
fac.recastRecasts a factor by modifying the values in the factor vector...
fac.recodeRecodes factor 'levels' using values in a vector. The values...
fac.splitSplits a factor whose levels consist of several delimited...
fac.sumopcomputes the summation matrix that produces sums...
fac.uncombineCleaves a single factor, each of whose levels has delimited...
fac.uselogicalForms a two-level 'factor' from a 'logical' object.
fac.vcmatforms the variance matrix for the variance component of a...
fitted.aovlistExtract the fitted values for a fitted model from an aovlist...
fitted.errorsExtract the fitted values for a fitted model
get.daeRNGkindGets the value of daeRNGkind for the package dae from the...
get.daeToleranceGets the value of daeTolerance for the package dae
harmonic.meanCalcuates the harmonic mean.
interaction.ABC.plotPlots an interaction plot for three factors
is.allzeroTests whether all elements are approximately zero
is.projectorTests whether an object is a valid object of class projector
LatticeSquare_t49.desA Lattice square design for 49 treatments
marginalityExtracts the marginality matrix (matrices) from a...
mat.ar1Forms an ar1 correlation matrix
mat.ar2Forms an ar2 correlation matrix
mat.ar3Forms an ar3 correlation matrix
mat.armaForms an arma correlation matrix
mat.bandedForm a banded matrix from a vector of values
mat.corForms a correlation matrix in which all correlations have the...
mat.corgForms a general correlation matrix
mat.dirprodForms the direct product of two matrices
mat.dirsumForms the direct sum of a list of matrices
mat.expForms an exponential correlation matrix
mat.gauForms an exponential correlation matrix
mat.ginvComputes the generalized inverse of a matrix
mat.IForms a unit matrix
mat.JForms a square matrix of ones
mat.ma1Forms an ma1 correlation matrix
mat.ma2Forms an ma2 correlation matrix
mat.ncssvarCalculates the variance matrix of the random effects for a...
mat.randomCalculates the variance matrix for the random effects from a...
mat.sarForms an sar correlation matrix
mat.sar2Forms an sar2 correlation matrix
mat.VpredCalculates the variances of a set of predicted effects from a...
mat.VpredictsCalculates the variances of a set of predicted effects from a...
McIntyreTMV.datThe design and data from McIntyre's (1955) two-phase...
meanopcomputes the projection matrix that produces means
mponeConverts the first two levels of a factor into the numeric...
no.repsComputes the number of replicates for an experiment
Oats.datData for an experiment to investigate nitrogen response of 3...
p2canon.objectDescription of a p2canon object
pcanon.objectDescription of a pcanon object
porthogonalize.listTakes a list of 'projectors' and constructs a...
power.expComputes the power for an experiment
print.aliasingPrint an aliasing data.frame
print.projectorPrint projectors
print.pstructurePrints a pstructure.object
print.summary.p2canonPrints the values in an 'summary.p2canon' object
print.summary.pcanonPrints the values in an 'summary.pcanon' object
proj2.combineCompute the projection and Residual operators for two,...
proj2.efficiencyComputes the canonical efficiency factors for the joint...
proj2.eigenCanonical efficiency factors and eigenvectors in joint...
projectorCreate projectors
projector-classClass projector
projs.2canonA canonical analysis of the relationships between two sets of...
projs.combine.p2canonExtract, from a p2canon object, the projectors that give the...
pstructure.formulaTakes a formula and constructs a 'pstructure.object' that...
pstructure.objectDescription of a pstructure object
qqyeffectsHalf or full normal plot of Yates effects the rows of a data.frame by repeating each row...
resid.errorsExtract the residuals for a fitted model
residuals.aovlistExtract the residuals from an aovlist object
rmvnormgenerates a vector of random values from a multivariate...
Sensory3Phase.datData for the three-phase sensory evaluation experiment in...
set.daeRNGkindSets the values of daeRNGkind for the package dae in the...
set.daeToleranceSets the values of daeTolerance for the package dae
show-methodsMethods for Function show in Package dae
SPLGrass.datData for an experiment to investigate the effects of grazing...
strengthGenerate paper strength values
summary.p2canonSummarize a canonical analysis of the relationships between...
summary.pcanonSummarizes the anatomy of a design, being the decomposition...
tukey.1dfPerforms Tukey's one-degree-of-freedom-test-for-nonadditivity
yates.effectsExtract Yates effects
ZncssplineCalculates the design matrix for fitting the random component...
dae documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:07 a.m.