
Defines functions validate_rows validate_cols validate_if check_assertr_expression get_assert_method validate

Documented in check_assertr_expression get_assert_method validate validate_cols validate_if validate_rows

#' Prepare data for validation chain
#' Prepare data for validation and generating report.
#' The function prepares data for chain validation and ensures all the validation results are
#' gathered correctly. The function also attaches additional information to the data
#' (name and description) that is then displayed in validation report.
#' @param data data.frame or tibble to test
#' @param name name of validation object (will be displayed in the report)
#' @param description description of validation object (will be displayed in the report)
#' @export
validate <- function(data, name, description = NULL) {
  if (missing(name)) {
    name <- deparse(substitute(data))
    # Condition to cover cases when data comes from a chain of %>% commands
    if (name == ".") {
      name <- get_first_name()
    # Condition to cover cases when data comes from a chain of |> commands
    if (is_complex_command(name) && name != ".") {
      first_object <- find_first_noncall(match.call()$data)
      name <- deparse(first_object)
  attr(data, "data-description") <- description #nolint: object_name_linter
  attr(data, "data-name") <- name #nolint: object_name_linter
  attr(data, "assertr_in_chain_success_fun_override") <- assertr::success_append #nolint: object_length_linter
  attr(data, "assertr_in_chain_error_fun_override") <- assertr::error_append #nolint: object_length_linter

#' Match proper method depending on predicate type
#' @param predicate Predicate or predicate generator function.
#' @param method optional list with fields direct and generator of assertions
#' @keywords internal
get_assert_method <- function(predicate,
                              method = list(
                                direct = assertr::assert,
                                generator = assertr::insist
                              )) {
  predicate_output <- predicate(0:1)
  if (is.logical(predicate_output)) {
  if (is.function(predicate_output) && is.logical(predicate_output(0:1))) {
  stop("Predicate should be a function returning logical vector or function")

#' Defensive wrapper to add evaluation error to regular validation errors.
#' @param this_call assertion command that is checked for valuation errors.
#' @param data A data.frame or tibble to test.
#' @param description A character string with description of assertion.
#' @param error_fun Function that is called when the validation fails
#' @return validation object with evaluation errors added to the list if occurred.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(fixtuRes)
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(assertr)
#' library(data.validator)
#' my_mock_generator <- fixtuRes::MockDataGenerator$new("fixtures_config.yml")
#' my_data_frame <- my_mock_generator$get_data("my_data_frame", 10)
#' report <- data.validator::data_validation_report()
#' validate(my_data_frame, name = "Verifying data uniqueness") %>%
#'   validate_if(has_all_names("id", "code", "test"), description = "All columns are there") %>%
#'   validate_if(is.character(test), description = "TEST column is string") %>%
#'   validate_if(is_uniq(id), description = "ID column is unique") %>%
#'   validate_if(!is.na(id) & id != "", description = "ID column is not empty") %>%
#'   validate_if(is.character(code), description = "CODE column is string") %>%
#'   validate_rows(col_concat, is_uniq, code, type, description = "CODE and TYPE is unique") %>%
#'   add_results(report)
#' print(report)
#' }
#' @seealso validate_if
#' @keywords internal
check_assertr_expression <- function(this_call, data, description, error_fun) {
  make.assertr.verify.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("make.assertr.verify.error", "assertr") #nolint: object_name_linter
  generate_id <- utils::getFromNamespace("generate_id", "assertr")

    error = function(e) {
      current_error <- make.assertr.verify.error(
        "verify", num.violations = 1, the_call = as.character(e),
        logical.results = 1, description, generate_id()
      data <- error_fun(list(current_error), data)

#' Verify if expression regarding data is TRUE
#' The function checks whether all the logical values returned by the expression are TRUE.
#' The function is meant for handling all the cases that cannot be reached by using
#' \link{validate_cols} and \link{validate_rows} functions.
#' @param data A data.frame or tibble to test
#' @param expr A Logical expression to test for, e.g. \code{var_name > 0}
#' @param description A character string with description of assertion.
#'   The description is then displayed in the validation report
#' @param obligatory If TRUE and assertion failed the data is marked as defective.
#'   For defective data, all the following rules are handled by defect_fun function
#' @param skip_chain_opts While wrapping data with \link{validate} function, \code{success_fun} and
#'   \code{error_fun} parameters are rewritten with \code{success_append} and \code{error_append}
#'   respectively. In order to use parameters assigned to the function directly set skip_chain_opts
#'   to TRUE
#' @param success_fun Function that is called when the validation pass
#' @param error_fun Function that is called when the validation fails
#' @param defect_fun Function that is called when the data is marked as defective
#' @export
#' @seealso validate_cols validate_rows
validate_if <- function(data, expr, description = NA, obligatory = FALSE, skip_chain_opts = FALSE,
                        success_fun = assertr::success_append,
                        error_fun = assertr::error_append, defect_fun = assertr::defect_append) {

  assertr::verify(data = data, expr = !!rlang::enexpr(expr),
                  description = description, skip_chain_opts = skip_chain_opts,
                  obligatory = obligatory, success_fun = success_fun,
                  error_fun = error_fun, defect_fun = defect_fun) %>%
    check_assertr_expression(data, description, error_fun)

NO_COLUMNS_SELECTED_MESSAGE <- "No columns selected, using all columns." #nolint: object_name_linter

#' Validation on columns
#' @param data A data.frame or tibble to test
#' @param predicate Predicate function or predicate generator such as \code{\link[assertr]{in_set}}
#'   or \code{\link[assertr]{within_n_sds}}
#' @param ... Columns selection that \code{predicate} should be called on.
#'   All tidyselect \code{\link[tidyselect]{language}} methods are supported.
#'   If not provided, all \code{\link[tidyselect]{everything}} will be used.
#' @param description A character string with description of assertion.
#'   The description is then displayed in the validation report
#' @param obligatory If TRUE and assertion failed the data is marked as defective.
#'   For defective data, all the following rules are handled by defect_fun function
#' @param skip_chain_opts While wrapping data with \link{validate} function, \code{success_fun} and
#'   \code{error_fun} parameters are rewritten with \code{success_append} and \code{error_append}
#'   respectively. In order to use parameters assigned to the function directly set skip_chain_opts
#'   to TRUE
#' @param success_fun Function that is called when the validation pass
#' @param error_fun Function that is called when the validation fails
#' @param defect_fun Function that is called when the data is marked as defective
#' @export
#' @seealso validate_if validate_rows
validate_cols <- function(data,
                          obligatory = FALSE,
                          description = NA,
                          skip_chain_opts = FALSE,
                          success_fun = assertr::success_append,
                          error_fun = assertr::error_append,
                          defect_fun = assertr::defect_append) {

  assertr_function <- get_assert_method(predicate)

  is_colums_empty <- is.null(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`)

  assertion_command <- if (is_colums_empty) {
      skip_chain_opts = skip_chain_opts,
      obligatory = obligatory,
      description = description,
      success_fun = success_fun,
      error_fun = error_fun,
      defect_fun = defect_fun
  } else {
      skip_chain_opts = skip_chain_opts,
      obligatory = obligatory,
      description = description,
      success_fun = success_fun,
      error_fun = error_fun,
      defect_fun = defect_fun

  check_assertr_expression(assertion_command, data, description, error_fun)

#' Validation on rows
#' @param data A data.frame or tibble to test
#' @param row_reduction_fn Function that should reduce rows into a single column that is passed to
#'   validation e.g. \code{\link[assertr]{num_row_NAs}}
#' @param predicate Predicate function or predicate generator such as \code{\link[assertr]{in_set}}
#'   or \code{\link[assertr]{within_n_sds}}
#' @param ... Columns selection that \code{row_reduction_fn} should be called on.
#'   All tidyselect \code{\link[tidyselect]{language}} methods are supported.
#'   If not provided, all \code{\link[tidyselect]{everything}} will be used.
#' @param description A character string with description of assertion.
#'   The description is then displayed in the validation report
#' @param obligatory If TRUE and assertion failed the data is marked as defective.
#'   For defective data, all the following rules are handled by defect_fun function
#' @param skip_chain_opts While wrapping data with \link{validate} function, \code{success_fun} and
#'   \code{error_fun} parameters are rewritten with \code{success_append} and \code{error_append}
#'   respectively. In order to use parameters assigned to the function directly set
#'   skip_chain_opts to TRUE.
#' @param success_fun Function that is called when the validation pass
#' @param error_fun Function that is called when the validation fails
#' @param defect_fun Function that is called when the data is marked as defective
#' @export
#' @seealso validate_cols validate_if
validate_rows <- function(data,
                          row_reduction_fn, predicate,
                          obligatory = FALSE,
                          description = NA,
                          skip_chain_opts = FALSE,
                          success_fun = assertr::success_append,
                          error_fun = assertr::error_append,
                          defect_fun = assertr::defect_append) {

  assertr_function <- get_assert_method(
    list(direct = assertr::assert_rows, generator = assertr::insist_rows)

  is_colums_empty <- is.null(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`)

  assertion_command <- if (is_colums_empty) {
      skip_chain_opts = skip_chain_opts,
      obligatory = obligatory,
      description = description,
      success_fun = success_fun,
      error_fun = error_fun,
      defect_fun = defect_fun
  } else {
      skip_chain_opts = skip_chain_opts,
      obligatory = obligatory,
      description = description,
      success_fun = success_fun,
      error_fun = error_fun,
      defect_fun = defect_fun

  check_assertr_expression(assertion_command, data, description, error_fun)

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data.validator documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:37 a.m.