drop_temp_vars: Drops Temporary Variables From a Dataset

View source: R/drop_temp_vars.R

drop_temp_varsR Documentation

Drops Temporary Variables From a Dataset


Drops all the temporary variables (variables beginning with TEMP_) from the input dataset. Also allows the user to specify whether or not to drop the temporary variables needed throughout multiple steps of the datacut process (variables beginning with DCUT_TEMP_).


drop_temp_vars(dsin, drop_dcut_temp = TRUE)



Name of input dataframe


Whether or not to drop variables beginning with DCUT_TEMP_ (TRUE/FALSE).


The other functions within this package use drop_temp_vars with the drop_dcut_temp argument set to FALSE so that the variables needed across multiple steps of the process are kept. The final datacut takes place in the apply_cut function, at which point drop_temp_vars is used with the drop_dcut_temp argument set to TRUE, so that all temporary variables are dropped.


Returns the input dataframe, excluding the temporary variables.


ae <- tibble::tribble(
  "subject1", 1, "Y", NA,
  "subject1", 2, "Y", NA,
  "subject1", 3, NA, "Y",
  "subject2", 2, "Y", NA,
  "subject3", 1, NA, "Y",
  "subject4", 1, NA, "Y"
drop_temp_vars(dsin = ae) # Drops temp_ and dcut_temp_ variables
drop_temp_vars(dsin = ae, drop_dcut_temp = TRUE) # Drops temp_ and dcut_temp_ variables
drop_temp_vars(dsin = ae, drop_dcut_temp = FALSE) # Drops temp_ variables

datacutr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:33 p.m.