

# utils::globalVariables(
#   c("parallelize", "saveAsObjectFile", "objectFile", "take",
#    "lookup", "broadcast", "lapplyPartition", "groupByKey", "persist",
#    "saveAsObjectFile", "collect", "value", "sparkR.init")
# )

# ### mrExec for sparkData objects

# #' @export
# mrExecInternal.kvSparkDataList <- function(data, setup = NULL, map = NULL, reduce = NULL, output = NULL, control = NULL, params = NULL) {

#   if(length(data) > 1)
#     stop("Currently can't handle more than one set of inputs when using Spark as the back end.")

#   data <- data[[1]]

#   conn <- getAttribute(data, "conn")
#   rdd <- conn$data

#   # "map" currently conflicts with SparkR's map()
#   mapExp <- map
#   reduceExp <- reduce

#   paramsBr <- broadcast(getSparkContext(), params)

#   rddMap <- function(kv) {
#     params <- value(paramsBr)
#     pnames <- names(params)
#     for(i in seq_along(params)) {
#       if(is.function(params[[i]]))
#         environment(params[[i]]) <- environment()
#       assign(pnames[i], params[[i]], envir = environment())
#     }
#     assign(".dataSourceName", "data", envir = environment())

#     eval(setup, envir = environment())

#     map.keys <- lapply(kv, "[[", 1)
#     map.values <- lapply(kv, "[[", 2)
#     taskRes <- list()

#     collect <- function(k, v) {
#       taskRes[[length(taskRes) + 1]] <<- list(k, v)
#     }
#     counter <- function(group, field, ct) NULL

#     eval(mapExp, envir = environment())
#     return(taskRes)
#   }

#   rddReduce <- function(kv) {
#     params <- value(paramsBr)
#     pnames <- names(params)
#     for(i in seq_along(params)) {
#       if(is.function(params[[i]]))
#         environment(params[[i]]) <- environment()
#       assign(pnames[i], params[[i]], envir = environment())
#     }

#     reduce.key <- kv[[1]]
#     reduce.values <- kv[[2]]
#     # return(list(reduce.key = reduce.key, reduce.values = reduce.values))
#     taskRes <- list()
#     collect <- function(k, v) {
#       taskRes[[length(taskRes) + 1]] <<- list(k, v)
#     }
#     counter <- function(group, field, ct) NULL

#     eval(setup, envir = environment())
#     eval(reduceExp$pre, envir = environment())

#     # a real reduce would allow to iterate over blocks of
#     # reduce.values for a given reduce.key, if there the
#     # reduce.values are much larger than will fit in memory
#     eval(reduceExp$reduce, envir = environment())

#     eval(reduceExp$post, envir = environment())

#     return(unlist(taskRes, recursive = FALSE))
#   }
#   # rddMap(rdd)

#   mr <- lapplyPartition(rdd, rddMap)
#   gr <- groupByKey(mr, 1L)
#   rr <- map(gr, rddReduce)
#   # res <- collect(rr)
#   res <- persist(rr, "MEMORY_ONLY")
#   # NOTE: see setMethod("groupByKey" ...
#   #  perhaps we can save computation by just doing partitionBy

#   # TODO: once accumulators have been implemented, get counters

#   if(inherits(output, "sparkDataConn")) {
#     saveAsObjectFile(res, paste(output$hdfsURI, output$loc, "/data0", sep = ""))
#     res <- output
#   } else {
#     res <- collect(res)
#   }

#   list(data = res, counters = NULL)
# }

# #' Specify Control Parameters for Spark Job
# #'
# #' Specify control parameters for a Spark job.  See \code{rhwatch} for details about each of the parameters.
# #' @export
# sparkControl <- function() {
#   NULL
# }

# #' @export
# defaultControl.kvSparkData <- function(x) {
#   sparkControl()
# }

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datadr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:06 p.m.