Man pages for datamart
Unified access to your data sources

address_lookupReverse Geocoding: Adresse from Longitude and Latitude
allensbachElection polls for Germany
as.character-methodsString representation of an Xdata object
Blogger-classLocation Class for Google's Blogger service
BlogPostTarget-classA Target representing a blog post
city_coordsLongitude and Latitude for Cities
csvdataCreate CsvData object from data.frame
CsvData-classCsvData - tabular data and its metadata
datamartCombine resource into a mashup object
datamart-packageUnified interface to your data sources.
Dbpedia-classA class for querying
dependencies-methodsDependencies of a Xdata object
DirectoryLocation-classDirectory location
enipediaInterface to the Enipedia Project
enipedia_countriesTranslation map between Enipedia country codes and ISO Codes
evs2008.lvl2German Income and Expenditure Survey 2008 on private...
expendituresElasticity of Private Households
gapminderGapminder data source.
google.oauth2Google OAuth2 initial authentication
GoogleOAuth2-classA class for managing Google OAuth2 workflow for installed...
InternalData-classA class for querying data()sets
iwv_onlinewebsite traffic from IWV
localappdirPlatform-independent local app folder
Location-classS4 base class to represent output Locations
MdReport-classBuildable markdown report
mem.infoInformation on objects in R environment
MemoryLocation2-classS4 base class to represent output in Memory
MemoryLocation-classS4 base class to represent output in Memory
meta-methodsVerbose list of resources
netConnectGermanyBasic Price Information on natural Gas in Germany
openeiInterface to the OpenEI platform
put-methodsPut a target
queries-methodsList resources
query-methodsRequest data from data source
read.csvdataRead CSV from local directory or Internet Google OAuth2 authentication
resaliasPhony ResFunc Objects
resfuncConstructor for ResFunc objects
ResFunc-classResFunc - A class representing a "calculated" resource
SftpLocation-classSFTP location
show-methodsShow Method for Xdata classes
sourceforgeSourceForge - query stats for sourceforge projects
strcapCapitalize a string
strdecryptObfuscate string
strdehtmlDecode HTML entities
strencryptObfuscate string
strheadGet the first n letters
strparseParse named patterns
strrecodePattern-based recoding
strsubstNamed substitution in strings
strtailGet the last n letters
SweaveReport-classWrapper for Sweave and pdf
Target-classBuildable target
uconvConvert between numerical units
uconvlistList unitsets and their units
urldataConstructor for UrlData objects
UrlData-classUrlData - unified access to WWW resources
WebLocation-classWeb location
Xdata-classXdata - A class representing a data source
xsparqlConstructor for Xsparql
Xsparql-classA class for querying SPARQL end points
datamart documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:40 a.m.