CNode-class: Provides R API to DataONE Coordinating Node services.

CNode-classR Documentation

Provides R API to DataONE Coordinating Node services.


The CNode class provides methods that interact with a DataONE Coordinating Node.



A character vector containing URL service endpoint for the Coordinating Node


A data.frame containing the supported service tiers for a CN


A data.frame contains URL endpoints for certain services


  • CNode: Construct a CNode object.

  • listFormats: List all object formats registered in DataONE.

  • getFormat: Get information for a single DataONE object format

  • getChecksum: Get the checksum for the data object associated with the specified pid.

  • listNodes: Get the list of nodes associated with a CN.

  • reserveIdentifier: Reserve a identifier that is unique in the DataONE network.

  • hasReservation: Checks to determine if the supplied subject is the owner of the reservation of id.

  • setObsoletedBy: Set a pid as being obsoleted by another pid

  • getObject: Get the bytes associated with an object on this Coordinating Node.

  • getSystemMetadata: Get the bytes associated with an object on this Coordinating Node.

  • describeObject: Get a list of coordinating nodes holding a given pid.

  • resolve: Get a list of coordinating nodes holding a given pid.

  • getMNode: Get a reference to a node based on its identifier.

  • echoCredentials: Echo the credentials used to make the call.

  • isAuthorized: Check if an action is authorized for the specified identifier.

See Also

dataone package description.

dataone documentation built on June 11, 2022, 1:06 a.m.