Man pages for dbmss
Distance-Based Measures of Spatial Structures

as.DtableConverts data to class Dtable
as.wmpppConverts data to class wmppp
autoplotggplot methods to plot dbmss objects
CheckdbmssArgumentsChecks the arguments of a function of the package dbmss
dbmssEnvelopeClass of envelope of function values (fv)
dbmss-packageDistance Based Measures of Spatial Structures
DEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the D function under...
DhatEstimation of the D function
DtableCreate a Distance table object.
envelope.DtableComputes simulation envelopes of a summary function.
FillEnvelopeTransform simulation values to an fv
generic.spatstatMethods for weighted, marked planar point patterns (of class...
gEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the g function under...
ghatEstimation of the g function
GlobalEnvelopeEstimation of the global confidence interval of simulations
GoFtestGoodness of Fit test between a distance based measure of...
is.wmpppTest whether an object is a weighted, marked, planar point...
KdEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the Kd function...
KdhatEstimation of the Kd function
KEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the K function under...
KhatEstimation of the K function
KinhomEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the Kinhom function...
KinhomhatEstimation of the inhomogenous K function
KmmEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the Lmm function...
KmmhatEstimation of the Kmm function
KtestTest of a point pattern against Complete Spatial Randomness
LEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the L function under...
LhatEstimation of the L function
LmmEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the Lmm function...
LmmhatEstimation of the Lmm function
m_EnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the m function under...
MEnvelopeEstimation of the confidence envelope of the M function under...
m_hatEstimation of the m function
MhatEstimation of the M function
paracou16Paracou field station plot 16, partial map
print.dbmssEnvelopePrint a confidence envelope
RcppAuxiliary functions to count point neighbors
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rPopulationIndependenceKSimulations of a point pattern according to the null...
rPopulationIndependenceMSimulations of a point pattern according to the null...
rRandomLabelingSimulations of a point pattern according to the null...
rRandomLabelingMSimulations of a point pattern according to the null...
rRandomLocationSimulations of a point pattern according to the null...
rRandomPositionKSimulations of a point pattern according to the null...
Smooth.wmpppSpatial smoothing of individual dbmss's
summary.dbmssEnvelopeSummary of a confidence envelope
wmpppCreate a Weighted, Marked, Planar Point Pattern
wmppp.objectClass of Weighted, Marked, Planar Point Patterns
dbmss documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:19 p.m.